Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jun 22, 1959, p. 4 (2024)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jun 22, 1959, p. 4 (1)

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Dunkirk Evening Observer (Newspaper) - June 22, 1959, Dunkirk-Fredonia, New York4 the Dunkirk june 58 get diploma from school 4 i a wrap them Lett to for Nioce Wiful Hift Wiki used Tutt contest went to Joann Mitt i tit a too 61 school Friday Cut fits 19 08 boys and girls were to introduce the pro a to fear arrangement of 1 pledge allegiance was Sung by Colleen Paula Gail of Titch and directed by Karen Sun tort Stltt National Anthem and class Eong Wera directed by ant the class Frederick extended greetings and presented Kathleen the chairman who gave recognition o that teachers Marjo he Cowell and Beatrice the Welcome speech was Edven by Karen Fhi class frontiers to conquer was developed by Gall the our beliefs was explained by Candace Wil the significance of the class Blue and was set Forth by Monte the key presentation was made by Sally boiling and Jane Jacobs of fifth Grade gave he accept Carol Hyland selected As her Farewell facing Tho fun Catherine principal speaker selected As her topic challenges facing Thomas superintend ent of presented Tho i miss Ann the presented the class to Harney for their because of the generosity of the mothers club prizes were made the a gift of was Given to Carol Hyland and the Salut Atory of was Given to Karen t h c s c awards were based on outstand ing achievement in the science research new York state excellence in class participation and the Good citizen ship awards to Alan end Kathleen a dictionary new phone number of Brooks memorial Hospital pm 61111 for week Toul Competition to it spelling contest went to Joann Kathleen receiving honorable vocal selections by to pedal choral group included wonderful Copenhagen and a perfect Day with miss Mary Brooks As this phase of the pro Gram wa3 concluded with the singing of the Alma As the recessional Marche Aux Flam beaux by Clark was the graduates led by their class off Frederick k a t Olcen Karen Patti ski and Brian left the the processional attendants were Timothy David Mark zen Lowitz and Gary Robert Block directed the the stage assistants were Daniel do Wolf Ami Robert following the the mothers club was Host to t h e graduates and their relatives and friends at a reception and a punch refreshments were served from a table Laid with a lace cloth Ami entered with a bowl of roses and Pink and Blue sperm those presiding at the punch bowls were Marjorie Beatrice and Marjorie m r Margaret the was the chairman of Tho Rocepa lion committee assisted by Monica Merlc Katherine Jacobs and Ann the fifth Grade mothers supplied the con graduation exercises were con ducted at school 4 for the morn ing kindergarten class numbering 35 Swilinski died in Hospital Margaret Sulinski died at Brooks Hospital this morning after a lengthy born in she had resided in this country for 70 she was a member of hed wigs and the holy Ros Ary society of surviving Are to Rico Joseph Ber Nice Slawinsky and Frank Wick of Dunkirk a Adam Sulinski of id grandchildren and 27 great grand the want and Reading Hab it and youll Nave asthma formula prescribed mostly Ion formula prescribed than any by doctors for their prorate u Bow Atal Lable to without medical Testa proved this formula asthma attacks in minutes and Honri of Freedom from of painful asthma this formula it 00 effective that it the physicians leading asthma Safe that now it can be without in toy tablets called to Relief Lute for Tri Matene opens loosens mucous relieves taut nervous All this with out inking painful 8 medicines in full prescription strength found Moit effective in combination for asthma each performs a spec isl so look Forward to sleep at night and Freedom from asthma spasms get at drugs t Only Cotty firemen Parade at fair scheduled 1 the Chautauqua county Volun Teer through in regular commit is once again making elaborate plans to conduct a Mammoth Parade at the Chautauqua county with the fair opening on july 27 this the Parade will be held on the Fin Al Day of the 1059 fair officials have designated As and veterans the giant Parade will be staged in front of the grandstand on Tho the Marling time has Leen set for chairman Leroy with the assist Nncy of fair officials is currently in the process of mail ing approximately 350 Jotters of Anvil Nylon to organizations of Parli Cipallono in the As in previous the a association once again is Donalin in Cash prizes to the judged units in the the association also makes a larg donation to Tho mens grounds in the Peoples column observer i would like to thank you for giving me and Many other Chil Dren an Opportunity to sell things by putting ads free of charge in the t have sold my bicycle and to sell my doll thank Mary Sullivan observer to the Plant workers i wan very ambivalent about answering your column because of the wasted Effort and per but decided that perhaps it might enlighten you if 1 just Fol Lowed your trend of thought a Little weather forecast Buffalo up Western n a few showers Follower by Clearing with drier in late today and High to Day in the dropping off u near 50 by tomorrow generally clouding up late in the High 70 to winds Lien their position steady Job Doest county fir All musical and marching unit of fire communities and no and also fraternal or veterans arc or of to mall in their entries at ii earliest possible data in order i expedite Tho work of the commit Tec in arranging a proper Parac copies of the official Pratl lineup will be available from in member of the committee Scio hours before Parade time i the Tho Active committee is com prised of the following Chaklau Qun county firemen Loro Wilder of chairman e Liott Anderson of san Clairville Moyt Abbott of Falconer Lewi learn of Fredonia Brandquist of san Clarville Ilei by Alt Els of Dunkirk Artlus Goodrich of Frodo la Normn Bell of Sheridan and dam Moser of this firemen with the Largo number of Partl Clintin units and the offered i Cash will be one of the highlights of the 1959 Chautauqua county ral Iii died on sunday Laura George wife 110 love i died sunday Brooks Hospital following n shot a native of Silver so was 71 years old and had Resac de in Dunkirk for the past she was n member of St marys surviving besides her Husban Are a Raymond Rahn of Bui Flo a re Char Maurer of Dunkirk a mrs Irene Darone of Silver Creek four Raymond Spence of Harry Spencer North William Spence of and George Spencer o six grandchildren als for repairing Concrete Shirwin Williams Logon Latex Concrete nothing else like it anywhere amazing adhesion unbelievable strength repairs smooth worn Conche Williams d avid manager phone pm 63222 Dunkirk amount to the local your husband brings hom*o even with the we have to manage to feed our family on not 40 a week for 62 weeks not Only 20 weeks and we arc Well aware of the insecure feeling for All of those 52 our work each Day and Are nol dependent on the unemployment they dont strike for a raise i pay or change in working you should thank these men for helping our government to Aid you and your what is there to hinder your husbands gelling a Sec Ond Job for those 20 weeks like the majorly of our policemen do for 82 weeks in order to keep above the tide they come Home just in time to change clothes and go to i Clr other just Slop and Eibink their own children shy away from them because daddy int Home when there going to bed it night or getting up in the sundays Anc holidays Are just Days cant b danger we feel Safe and a uniform is All that 1 needed at but who a instilled this feeling Wilheln of Public Hast the police office worked for years so that from the tiniest to oldest a Mcclin of Security is Felt in his Prosenc knowing he is a peace Lovlyn person try going to knowing you husband is on the Force and Hea the phone at 3 or 4 you first thought dear Hope lies All after i takes Only one shot to fell any be it in a Small cily o a Largo How can anyone judge if the danger is you tried chasing a speeder on a motor Cycle have you gone the Rotigel dark alleys during the no in owing whats behind a garbage can have you entered an open door or window at a place Yov know has been robbed have Yoi tried slopping a a specially at 1 or 2 when you hav seen the stabbings going on a intervals that is int it just like sleeping All night o working in a Well Lighte clothing your husband wears out including Lis shoes houses to walk to to Plant and Home he Loest tramp through Snow and to protect his cily be cause Hes interested Only in his pay then these Mer ant Wear heir uniforms around other jobs or at you can How his shirts and clothes Inlo he Washer and not face a clean no Bill because some disorderly citizen had kicked my with mud y shoes or shed his blood on his Mlford after a Furth our police Force takes Rilde in its they Are always neat i would like to say there is without a a Long waiting list for your husbands of even with strikes and Lay offs so make room for be Only needs to inform the new Nan How the machine he ant very Well Tell him about All he possible lines of a ritual in lat Only self experience Teacle you have solved the police prob you so Why not have our husband take the exam and be on the Walling too that Why there were Only applicants the last time and the Date had to be extended Vith a lot of publicity you could Jen one of us and worry for weeks instead of floundering our big pay checks 2c weeks City record of Auto accidents through traffic fetal Tom to Juhei total acc Denu 141 t m 138 m i so 144 june inspection or Titt Auto visit of Navy ships h delayed by break at the Welland canal extended forecast Albany up the extended weather forecast for the Perio from june to june 27 Western new a Welte period is indicated with tempera lures averaging a Little below Noi Only minor Day today Chan pcs in temperatures arc expected showers beginning wednesday o continuing an possibly on More on half Inch of rain is expected warmest spots today new up the Lowes temperature recorded in the nation today was 33 at grand Marl the weather Bureau the highest Reading taken by the Bureau sunday a at your almanac for this Day today is june the 173rd Day of the with 19 More Days to follow in the Moon is approaching its last the morning Star is Tho evening stars Are m e r Mars and on this Date in history in fire destroyed 500 build Ings in san in France signed an armistice with in the presence of Alolph in Germany invaded rus in the Post office sent it first microfilm v in the nations worst race riot in 25 years came to an inc in Detroit As Federal troops took thirty four persons were killed in the three Days of rioting and at least 13hundred person were City and Vicinity notice to subscribers any customer living within the City limits of Dunkirk who fails to receive his paper by 6 Call pm 6 2417 and it will be delivered without no service after 7 can solve your typewriter Sec them at expert cleaning process prolongs the life of rear for Vriones dry clean no phone one piece of Skyway lug Gage Matching pieces nit on layaway our in impressions Are last make a Good have your clothes cleaned by the american Call 3555 for pick lamps Dean electric 13 third snorkel pens at Spe Cial 20 discount for limited supplies j Dean electric 13 third 4 used portable Type All makes and models rom lamps Dean electric 13 third and restorative treatment puts life Back into tired have your clothes clean d by the american cleaners for the mighty United states Navy stopped today by a trickle j throwing a Large part of the City of Dunkirk into a state of three the uss san mar uss Oglethorpe and uss suf Folk which were scheduled to visit Dunkirk from june 24 to the will undoubtedly be detained anywhere from two to four due to a leak in one of the Welland canal locks which has completely halted passage and entry of ships into Lake the evening observer today talked to Paul superintend ent of the Northern division of the who said that repairs to the lock will take three and maybe even four Days to com it will then take 12 hours for the ships to pass through the it is not known whether the Navy would be Given priority Over Tho merchant ves Sels that Are bottleneck cd no the Entrance to the schedule disrupted in Iho meantime both civic and naval officials in Dunkirk wondering what to officers of the ships were to pay an official visit to the mayor wednesday and this most certainly will have to be rescheduled As will a softball game plan Ned for wednesday Din Ner invitations for servicemen on wednesday evening will also have to to rescheduled and the Navy has said it will Contact the per sons involved and see if this can be the mayors official visit to the Fleet thursday May have to be changed if the ships do not arrive on a party for the officers of the ships at Shorewood country club thursday evening May also have to be the delay has also affected food delivery schedules and the move ments of a local garbage local naval officials said that two Are of the ships have ordered Large quantities of which were supposed to be delivered to the Central Avenue Dock wednesday supplies ordered the san Marcos had ordered 900 pounds of 600 Gallons of milk and Loo Gallons of ice foodstuffs for the Suffolk county include 80 pounds of cottage 100 Gallons of chocolate 150 Gallons of regular 400 pounds of 60 dozen dinner 20 dozen Jelly dough 20 dozen Cullers and 20 dozen glazed naval officials emphasized that All persons who Are connected with official vis dinner and other activities will be notified As soon As definite information concern ing the arrival of the ships is re Peter officer in charge of the naval Reserve training Center in has gone to port Weller to Board on of the before he left Parker Sal that when the ships visit ing hours will be from 1 to 5 with special Tours arranged for the mornings from 9 to children under 1 years of he must b accompanied by an adult am Largi groups of children mus have one adult for every five Chil Parker said that it would b Wise for persons coming from of of Tovin to visit the ships to Check with his office in Dunkirk be on making a Long visitors to the ships will be taken out in Small if the weather gets boating May cancelled or temporarily sus the Navy has asked All who plan to make t visit to Check on weather Condi Dunkirk Man injured in fall a 6jyearold Dunkirk Man suffered a laceration Over the left Eye sunday night in a fall while walking under the new York Cen trial Railroad viaduct in Roberts Paul who resides at Courtney and lord was taken to Brooks Hospital in the Barone he was treated in the emergency admit and will be discharged wilderness to resort Miami Beach was built in a Span of less than 40 years from a wilderness of malted Man scrub Palmetto and Sand pumped up from the Bottom of Biscayne Edwin Nelson 1 Mas completed training course Edwin son of Ray Nelson of 518 Mckinley Avo was one of 720 naval Academy second class mid Shipmen who recently completed two weeks of amphibious warfare indoctrination and training at lit Fie Creek naval amphibious base in one of the highlights of training was an amphibious land ing at Camp 18 when midshipman trainees integrated with a Marine corps Bat Talion for practical application of classroom prior to making their amphibious midshipmen observed a Marine Landing june and on june 15 commenced shipboard Dunkirk Fredonia swarm to Parks Over weekend the weather Man did right1 by and West Ern now York dads and their families on the Day was perfect for picnics and Gen eral had fathers Day been today the plans of thousands of families would have been the much needed rain came this morning instead of Sun Day and As a Fann ers and Urban dwellers alike were Point Gratiot was a Mecca for hundreds of families and their out of town who lathered at the Lovely Dun Cirk picnic Grove quite Early in the tables were noted o be bearing baskets of soon after 9 Oclock and with but one reserved sitting idly holding the table until the rest of the family emerged from Church or finished up with House old duties before coming out to he Impromptu softball swing no and sliding were the main orms of but the old oils were seen to be doing just bout two loafing and Park attendants said it Vas a great Day for everyone and id Point Gratiot saw one of its Argest june crowds in the same situation existed at Battery Point Park where the Pic Nic tables were surrounded b families and the Beach loaded with Lake Erie state Park was an other jammed spot and Many out of state their children now out of were on the Road and taking advantage of the state most of the Parks tables were in use As was the childrens amusem*nt equipment and the Cassadaga Lake area was Aneth or attraction for hundreds of people who wanted to get further away from town and have their picnics elsewhere than in really familiar Dunkirk and Fredonia Back Yards were put to use by Many families who chose to stay off the set up their grills and Loal around the Home Golf courses in the area received a big particularly in the morning and Early Many fathers of Golf minded Type got in their rounds of Golf Early in the Day and then returned to their Lomes and helped prepare the Pic Nic equipment and drive the fam by out into the country for the ate Day All in All it was a great Day for athers and their lot potato Sal milk and Coffee took a real beating in the Dunkirk Fredo Lia area Over the week to living on government checks new use and longer Call or the other 26 i have Only one thing for which be thankful and that of our Dunkirk Ake in our Alert is the people police and Only Hope that All of in experienced men will hang on because they like their work and ant to Clu and protect Ven including the people who link they Are not deserving of Arning Only an average a policeman wife name withheld by request Bible collection up a Bible museum has been established Here to display one of the nations largest Bible collect the exhibits number More than some dating from the first Century Roger noted statistician and founder of the open Church 3555 for restorative treatment puts life Back Inlo lived fabrics get your clothes Spring cleaned a the american Call 3555 Doorbell buttons Dean electric 13 third table and con Solo Model to sets in Loeb licensed elec phone 75 fifth let us install new base in your Home for added 11 third Flose 4 corps Winner of second prizes Dunkirk Murray Hose com Pany 4 earned in prize Money on saturday and sunday the drum corps received of this in Competition saturday at the vow Parade in North the Murray men were judged the Best corps and received also Al the North East the Hose 4 color guard received top prize of and another went to Hose 4 for having the Best drum the Murray men finished Sec Ond to the Warren Cornel actors in drum corps Competition sunday at the Brant Strawberry Warren was Given for first and the Murray men for Sec Warrens score was the Murray men were Given a score of Dunkirk Hose 1 flying dutchmen were with a score of trailing the top three were the Kinsmen a prize went to Hose 4 on door Chimes Dean electric 13 third j sunday for the Best fire company and for having the Best color car window broken Doris 119 reported to lice that the right window of automobile was broken by Van sunday such height o to of her High Road the four mile stretch of Trail Ridge Road in Rocky Mountain National feet it probably is the Long commencement at Junior High on tuesday Dunkirk Junior High school commencement has been scheduled for 10 tuesday morn ing in the school it was announced principal speaker will be City judge August commencement exercises will be held for 167 changeover in phone system was successful Howard Dunkirk manager of the new York Tele phone said today that the change Over to direct Dis Tance dealing at sunday morning went off without a everything went off very he residents Are having culty in getting use some diff to the new system and Telephone Burkhardt said that Many persons Are dealing Zero instead of 0 for when a party of o for Burkhardt they must dial of and not Zero another thing persons Are for he is to dial pm Many Are trying to get away with just dealing the five digits and it will not the executive All Calls for information concerning est stretch of Road Ever built at area codes must be made to the special monday tuesday and wednesday polyethylene Freezer Container with cover perfect for freezing strawberries or any other fruit or vegetable a regular 19c value t while they last each Ludlum variety store 1421 main Street americas most popular Comfort shoe Mitten docs 4 a Micat civil a perennial favorite for walking Comfort and wearing so pleasingly on piece Moccasin con sewn Glove Chrome Lealh or flexible sizes 4 to h06b of smart Udipi matched Seti to Meni matched sett to plus tax;

Dunkirk Evening Observer, Jun 22, 1959, p. 4 (2024)
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Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.