Kingdom Hearts: Wrath of Nobodies (Final Mix) - Chapter 9 - AverageAlbertX (2024)

Chapter Text

Kingdom Hearts: Wrath of Nobodies (Final Mix) - Chapter 9 - AverageAlbertX (1)

Welcome to Salem's Witch Hunt from; Hocus Pocus (1993)

It opens up with an old cottage, where no has lived there in years. But as it all settles in, a black corridor opens, and out came from that portal is another Org member. He took his hood off and revealed himself to be; Marluxia.

He went inside the cottage and has learned that witches used to live there. Marluxia looked at what appears to be a Book with an eye, in a glass shield and said, "So, this must be where they lived in and were later destroyed by the villagers." He later goes to the candle to light it up with dark magic, "Now, I shall bring them back from the dead. And they will serve the power of darkness." He smirks and then thunder clashes from the outside, and then he hears the loud cackling from outside.

The three witches come inside as the door opens, Winifred shouted, "We are home!" They start walking in, and Winifred goes to Book as it sleeps, "Wake up. Wake up sleepy. We got work to do." As the witches walked around, Mary goes to Winifred and whispers, "Winnie? The candle. Someone must've lite it up." Winifred replied, "I know that!" but Mary said, "But, someone must've done it. And it ain't thy virgin." Winifred then starts to act concern and confused as to who would've done this.

Sarah then walks to Marluxia who was hiding in the shadows and has been smirking this whole time, "Sisters?" As she shouted, both Winnie and Mary turned to Sarah, and they saw Marluxia. Winifred asked, "Who are you?" Marluxia replied, "There's nothing to fear, I am Marluxia. I've read stories about you, and how you became the witches of Salem. I brought you back to the living, because I thought you can be so helpful for me."

Winifred walks up to Marluxia and asked, "And why would you need me?" Marluxia replied, "Either that, or you need me?" Winifred acts concern and starts questioning, "And why would we need thy help then?" Marluxia replied, "You see, there are two young Keyblade wielders who are trying to foil with our plans. And it's not just mine, but yours as well. So, if you want to stay in the living, and continue with your witchcraft? You must get rid of them."

Winifred asked, "And what are they really?" Sarah asked, "Are they children?" the sisters start giggling and cackling, but Marluxia replied, "They could as well be." Then the sisters start to act excited and felt relief. Marluxia then replied, "But be aware. They are much more powerful than what you think." The sisters then stop and act very shocked, Winifred asked, "What should we do to get rid of them?" Marluxia replied, "You will need to become one with Darkness. Surrender your hearts into darkness. Do not purge within the light."

The sisters then looked to each other and they thought about it is a good idea. They all turned to Marluxia and Winifred said, "Very well, we'll summit ourselves." Marluxia then smiled evilly, scene ends with the Sanderson Sisters cackling as they're now part of darkness.

Meanwhile, Roxas and Xion have been transported into an old forest, all foggy and dark. Roxas and Xion woke up realizing how dead this place is and how old this forest must be.

Xion asked, "Where are we?" Roxas replied, "I'm not sure. But something tells me we're in a place that smells trouble." Roxas and Xion start walking and then it started to rain.

Roxas shouted, "Oh for real?!" as he's annoyed with the rain. He and Xion start running and after a couple of minutes later. They are interrupted by Reaper Nobodies. Roxas and Xion started to wield their keyblades as Xion started to shout, "Well! Would the fun ever end?" They both started to attack.

After several minutes of killing the reapers. Roxas and Xion acted tired and soaked. Both of them start running in the forest trying to find their shelter.

As it goes on, Roxas and Xion finally found shelter, at the cottage place. Xion looks to Roxas, "Is it safe to go there?" Roxas replied, "What chances do we have?" They both start running in.

As they start running in, they start to act relief to be in shelter and warm up inside the cottage. Yet not realizing what they're inside of. 20 minutes later after resting, and now that the rain has stopped. Roxas and Xion started to get up, but realized that they're trapped, and the door won't open, "Roxas! It's locked!" Xion shouted, Roxas replied, "Is there a key to leave? How is this door stuck?" Then they heard a strange, calm and low voice from behind; "You have nowhere to run."

Roxas and Xion then turned around and see Marluxia who has been standing behind them, Roxas and Xion shouted, "MARLUXIA!" As they summoned their Keyblades to attack him. Marluxia then chuckled before saying, "Why, hello Roxas, Xion. I'm very honored for you two to become stronger than what you were once before. It's no wonder why Xemnas wanted the two of you dead, because you are just as powerful as Sora. And it seems so depressing how you couldn't even save Zexion from my schemes." Roxas shouted in anger, "Shut up!"

Marluxia was a bit stunned before he replied, "Oh...hmph. I'd just knew you'd go ahead a make a scene. Very well, Roxas." he then summons a black corridor before he continues, "Today, is the day where you two are about to die. Farewell..." He then walks back into the corridor for his retreat, right before the Sanderson sisters now appears once it closes, cackling. Winifred starts to walk towards them with an evil smile and said, "Sisters! Did you see what I see?"

Mary replied, "Yes, Winnie! The children!" And Sarah replied, "And one of them is a girl!" Roxas and Xion start to look at each other confused.

Winifred then said, "That girl is what we need, in order to be young again, and she'll be aging forever." Roxas then pointed this Keyblade at the sisters and replied, "Whatever you guys want, you're never getting it! And you're not going to touch her!" The sisters then gasped and looked at the Oblivion as they feel afraid, Winifred replied in anger, "You brat!"

Roxas then summons his magic with his Keyblade, "LIGHT!" And then uses it to brighten the witches, they screamed in fear just how powerful that magic is, and though they'd be dead, because they thought it's the sunlight. Roxas then shouted, "Xion, Run!" Xion starts breaking the door with her Keyblade and ran outside. While the witches passed out, Roxas was then interrupted by a Cat who talks and said, "Nice going, Roxas!" Roxas then feels shocked and asked, "Whoa! Who are you and where did you come from?" The Cat replied, "I'll explain everything, now go grab that spell book."

The Cat ran outside and Roxas ran to the room and starts grabbing the Spell Book before running outside. As the door closes and Roxas and Xion ran away from the cottage as fast as they can; Winnie starts waking up and acted confused. She gets up and said, "Sisters!" they're still passed out, and Winifred shouted, "SISTERS!" and then Sarah and Mary woke up acted confused as well. Mary asked, "How come we're still alive?" and Sarah asked, "How come the light didn't turned us to dust?"

Winifred replied, "You idiots! That was just a cast of magic from this 'Keyblade'!" She looks to her book on where it is, and she freaked out, "And look! They took Book!" The sisters felt upset and angered. Winifred then said, "No matter! We still got that potion we made awhile back! Didn't we?" Sarah then looks to the shelf and grabs it and said, "You mean the one where we give it to a child before our cauldron was destroyed and we later perished?" Winifred replied, "Yes!" Of course, Sarah gave the potion in a bottle to Winnie and she said, "We just need the girl!"

The sisters all start cackling and Winifred then shouted, "Come, my sisters! WE FLY!" As they start walking to their closets and find their brooms. They start to fly off to the sky and cackling at the same time.

Meanwhile somewhere in the graveyard; Roxas and Xion, who are joined by a black cat who's been assisting them. Roxas asked, "Since you helped us, I would like to know who you are." The cat walks up to a tombstone that says his name and said, "My name is Thackery Binx. I have been cursed into this black fur for over 300 years. I have been alive, ever since those witches cursed me into a beast. They took my sister, Emily, and my family has been long gone. And because of me, my little sister's life was stolen. For years I waited for my life to end, so that I can live with my family in peace. But Winifred's curse is meant for immortality, and it kept me alive. Then one day I figured out what to do with my eternal life. I may have failed Emily, but I would not fail again. When Winifred and her sisters returned, I'd be there to stop them. So for three centuries, I've guarded their house on All Hallows' night, waiting for a virgin to light up a candle."

Roxas then said, "But the one who lighted up that candle wasn't a virgin." Binx replied, "Unfortunately, the man that did that isn't. But he lite it up with the power for dark magic." Xion then walks to Binx and said to him, "Don't worry. We can stop them." Binx then replied, "You can't! They are too powerful." Roxas then said, "Is there anyway we can stop them?" Binks replied, "Yes, I believe there is."

He then starts to look above the horizon, and as Xion and Roxas looked to where he's looking at, Binx replied, "The sunrise. That is what will kill them. Witches are opposed to sunlight, it will immediately destroy them once the sun comes up."

As Binx continues on, a grave starts to burst from the ground, which turns out to be a Zombie. Roxas and Xion freaked out and summon their Keyblades, the Zombie muffled, "WAIT!" Roxas and Xion acted confused before their Keyblades disappeared again. Binx asked, "Billy? Is that you?" Billy then grabs a piece of glass that was on the floor and starts cutting the strings from his mouth so that he can talk and breathe again, then he replied replied, "AAHHH! That's better. I have been dead for over 300 years. Those wretched witches! They'll pay for what they did to me all these years!"

Roxas asked, "Wait, you know him?" Binx replied, "Billy Butcherson was Winifred's first lover. But she found him sporting with her sister, Sarah. So, she poisoned him and sewed his mouth shut with a dull needle, so he couldn't tell her secrets even in death. Winifred always was the jealous type." Billy then said, "I always thought she was a horrifying and rude woman since then." Roxas and Xion then looked at each other confused. Then Xion asked as she's holding the Book, "Why do we need this creepy looking book again?" Binx replied, "It holds Winifred's most dangerous spells. She must not get it."

Roxas then summons his Oblivion Keyblade and said, "Well…then let's destroy this thing." Binx replied, "You can't! It's protected by its own magic. Destroying it is nearly impossible."

As soon as they're about to destroy it, the Sanderson Sisters showed up. Cackling while flying on the brooms, Winifred said, "Oh! It's just a bunch of Hocus-Pocus!" Binx then goes and confronts infront of them, "We meet again, you hag!" Winifred then replied, "WELL! If it isn't Thackery Binx. Thou mangy feline. Still alive?" Binx replied, "Yeah! And waiting for you." Winifred gasped and said, "Thou hast waited in vain, and thou fail to save thy friends, just as thou failed to save thy sister!" She cackles which obviously angers Binx as he growled at her.

Roxas and Xion then summon their Keyblades as they are ready to attack. Sarah and Mary split up to go after Xion. Roxas shouted, "Xion, Run!" She grabs the book and ran off while Sarah and Mary went after her.

As Winifred flies towards Roxas, Billy grabbed Roxas and threw him to save his life. Winifred shouted in anger, "BILLY! You treacherous fool!" Billy then replied, "WRECH! Trollop!" Winifred gasped and said, "How dare you!" Billy then said, "You buck-toothed, mod-riding, firefly from death!" which caused Winifred screamed. Billy turned to Roxas, "I've waited centuries to say that." Which Roxas starts to smile a little.

Winifred then shouted, "Billy! I killed you once. I shall kill you again, you maggoty malfeasance." Billy then replied, "Whatever! You can go back to death!" Winifred then cast her magic to push away Billy and Binx and then she turns to Roxas and said, "Now…what's thy name again? Oh! Roxas? Sure…PREPARE TO MEET THY DOOM!" Roxas then used his Keyblade to attack Winifred.

Meanwhile with Xion, her distraction with Mary and Sarah didn't last long. Because Mary grabbed the book and Sarah grabbed Xion. Xion shouted, "Let me go, you creepy hags!" She summons her Oathkeeper Keyblade to cast magic and shouted, "THUNDER!" Which causes Sarah and Mary to scream, before Sarah lets her go. Xion starts running back to Roxas.

Meanwhile with Roxas, he's still facing against Winifred, she was cackling and shouted, "You little pest. I've had enough of you!" She starts to cast her magic from her hand, but Roxas was lucky to dodge that attack.

As the fight was going on, Xion ran to Roxas as soon as she can with the book. While Sarah and Mary flew behind her and now is with Winifred. She shouted, "These pests, must face thy doom!" They start to surround Roxas and Xion while Billy and Binx get back up as they watch how the Witches surround both Roxas and Xion.

After so many minutes of fighting, Xion cast Aerora from her Keyblade, "WIND!" As she blew both Sarah and Mary away. After that, Winifred grabbed Xion from behind, where she dropped her Oathkeeper Keyblade. Xion starts shouting, "Let me go!" Winifred then gets the potion she had in her pocket and pulls the lid out and drops it. Winifred shouted, "Drink this!"

Roxas shouted, "Xion! Don't do it!" Winifred shouted, "This will teach you to mess with me!" Binx shouted as he runs, "Hold on, Xion!" Winifred shouted to Xion as she still holds her, "Open your mouth!" Binx then jumps from the tree onto Winifred.

As Binx attacked Winifred, she dropped the potion, and Roxas was able to catch it. Winifred then threw Binx to the ground where he gets knocked out. Winifred, who holds Xion, then turns to Roxas and shouted, "GIVE ME THAT!"

Roxas then replied, "NO! Not until you put her down! Or I will destroy it!" Winifred then shouted, "If you destroy it, THEN SHE DIES!" Which causes Roxas to have his eyes widely open, as he remembers that day when he lost her. He later sees flashbacks of the time at Twilight Town, during the time they were part of the Organization, and Roxas lost Xion as she vanished from his arms. Later ends with Roxas looking down.

Winifred then shouted, "Oh! What's the matter? Afraid to lose someone thy love?" And starts cackling. Roxas looks up in anger and tears formed from his eyes, he later said, "I may have lost Xion that day. But I will not lose her again." Xion looks to Roxas in shock, "Roxas, what are you doing?" Roxas replied to Winifred, "If you wanna take a life away between us? THEN TAKE ME INSTEAD!" Xion then shouted, "ROXAS, NO!"

Roxas then chugged the whole potion from the bottle, which baffled both Xion and Winifred. And after he finished it, Winifred swoops down to Roxas and said, "What a fool! To give up thy life, for thy true love's." Then she drops Xion down just to grab Roxas. Roxas and Winifred start fighting on ground, but Winifred decides to grab Roxas by his coat and starts inhaling the life out of him.

But before she can proceed, the sun starts rising from the horizon. Winifred starts to feel odd, as she looks down to her feet. It's steam coming from beneath her. And her legs starts to turn into stone, she later shouted, "BOOK!" And now, she's turned into stone. Roxas is later confused but realize this is it, this is how witches will meet their end.

Meanwhile up in the sky, Sarah and Mary are dying as they are about to become dusts. Sarah shouted, "Winnie! Goodbye…" and later turns into dust. As for Mary, "Uh-oh...bye-bye…" and later turns to dust. As for Winifred, her stone explodes into dust. The battle is over, as Binx looks to the witches meeting their demise, gives a weak meow, before meeting his end.

Xion runs to Roxas and shouted, "ROXAS!" Xion goes to him and ask, "Are you ok?" Roxas then replied, "Yup, kinda feel. A little bummed out." Xion then starts to giggle, "Oh, Roxas. You are such a lazy bum!" Roxas replied, "Hey!" Xion giggles and starts hugging him. She whispers, "Thank you, Roxas. But please don't ever leave me again." Roxas then smiled and hugs her before saying, "I'll always be here with you. But I'd rather protect you." Billy then walks to them and as he looks at the Horizon, he shouted, "HEY! Whozzat?" Roxas and Xion then looked at Billy as he's looking out in the distance.

They later see a mysterious figure appearing before them, of course a familiar face. Roxas growled and shouted in anger, "MARLUXIA!" Marluxia then smiled and replied to Roxas, "Such power. Such sacrifice. But…this fight isn't over yet for you. The sisters may have fallen into Darkness. But we cannot allow them to purge near pure light at all. Their presence would only cast a pall over it." He then snaps his fingers, and summons all the cleaning dust that the Sanderson Sisters become and merge into darkness.

Marluxia then teleports away into the corridor, as Roxas, Xion and Billy watch the dusts and dark magic transform into a giant Heartless. It turns out to be larger size of the Wizard Heartless from Hollow Bastion, but with the combo colors of the Sanderson Sisters. Dubbed name; Sanderson Stalker. Roxas and Xion summon their Keyblades while Billy decides to help out.

After 10 minutes of fighting, the Stalker finally met its end and turns into dust, completely destroyed. It was thankfully over for them. Later, the Spellbook floats up to the air, opened as it's turning pages, and ends where the Keyhole has been hidden in. Roxas and Xion pointed their Keyblades to the Keyhole to seal it for good.

Later on, Billy walks to his grave and tells Roxas and Xion; "Thank you." Xion smiled and replied, "Your welcome, Billy. Have a nice sleep." Billy starts to yawn before going back in.

Then, Roxas and Xion start to wonder where Binx is. They later found his body, it turns out, after the curse was over. Binx finally met his end. Roxas and Xion realized about this, Xion starts to hug Roxas as they lost a good ally he had become. Later, a voice starts to speak out, "Come on guys, don't be sad." Roxas and Xion later turned to Binx's spirit. "The witches are dead. And my soul is finally free." Xion and Roxas smiled as their tears form from their eyes. Binx replied, "Thank you." Later, another unknown voice shouted, "Thackery. Thackery Binx!" It turns out to be Emily's spirit as well.

Binx said to them, "It's Emily." He later said to them, "May our hearts be connected." As he later walks to Emily out to the gate. Emily asked, "What took you so long?" Thackery replied, "Sorry Emily, I had to wait 300 years for someone to light a candle." Roxas and Xion watches them as their spirits go away into heaven. Roxas and Xion looked at each other, then looks at the distance from afar before teleporting away into their Gummi Ship.

Meanwhile, at the Castle That Never Was;

As the scene starts off with Pete walking downstairs from Jafar as he's heading to his own mission. While Jafar is looking out to the Moon of Kingdom Hearts and said as he's alone, "Soon, the entire world, along with all others will be under my command. And I'll be the one to control every single Heartless." Before he can continue, a black corridor opens behind Jafar. Marluxia steps out and said, "So that you claim your pitiful revenge on your enemies at Agrabah?" Jafar then turns around to see Marluxia. Jafar asked, "Why are you back?" Marluxia replied, "I have returned from a world that Roxas already sealed."

Jafar replied, "Oh...well, excellent work. You have been such a cunning warrior, Marluxia. You have been doing the Organization such a well favor...despite your previous treachery on Lord Xemnas." Marluxia replied, "That was the old time sake of the Organization, to overthrow someone who doesn't had a good leadership." Jafar then replied, "Hmph, none of that matters now. We just need four more Keyholes to go." Later Marluxia asked in his concern, "I only discovered that there are 4 left to find, one in each of the last remaining worlds. What other area could the 5th Keyhole be located at?"

"Somewhere at Radiant Garden." As Xigbar described who he and Luxord appeared behind Marluxia and Jafar, then continues on, "Our 3rd member of the old Organization, Xaldin, knew it was there from the start, and is already there. He said that it's in a computer room, behind the walls of Ansem The Wise's office, where he seals it. It was the same Computer that turned Radiant Garden into Hollow Bastion, before Sora and company turned it back to its former glory." Jafar then gives a smirk and replied, "How interesting." He later turns to the Moon of Kingdom Hearts and said, "This shall be fun."


Kingdom Hearts: Wrath of Nobodies (Final Mix) - Chapter 9 - AverageAlbertX (2024)
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Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

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Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.