Noita - EP 53 - Gigantic Homing Rock Boners - Dining and Cooking (2024)


May 29, 2024

Streaming Schedule:
8:30AM – 3PM EST Mon – Fri


the boys have gotten into watching TED talks on mythology it’s bananas cuz they’re not particularly interesting it’s not it’s not as though they’re it’s not as though they’re watching uh it’s not as though they’re watching Disney’s uh Hercules you know like these things are meant these things are meant for like adults but my boys have gotten real into watching TED talks on [Applause] TED talks on on mythology mine I couldn’t help but notice you had a wand over here I said come on damn it there it is I said I couldn’t help but notice you have a wand over [Laughter] here okay it’s going to be that kind of day maybe I will go watch Wednesday Kiss My Ass game yeah would have been nice I thought maybe I could swing that I didn’t see that that was wood around it that would have made things [Applause] easier T TED talks yeah I like the cartoon bear with Mark Wahlberg that’s the one he well the wand itself’s not terrible I guess we’re going left first but glitch is that your way of saying that Wednesday is offering me money to end stream to go watch Wednesday is that your way of saying that it’s worth the the time investment I’ve been worried that it’s all sizzling no stake with nothing really to base that on except I’m just been I’ve been worried it’s all sizzling no steak Yeah I may see I may see if there’s a way that I can get that to work out for us this time Lauren I feel the same way I feel like airpuff airpuff probably has some crazy synergies that I’m not seeing all right so you think it’s worth watching I’ll watch that I just wrapped up GE mod del Toro’s um I just W oh my God I just wrapped up GE mod del Toro’s Cabinet of Curiosities it was a real mix bag damn you ever just have your wand run out at the exact wrong moment I knew coming over here was going to be potentially an [Applause] issue I usually try not to go to the collaps mines until I have like an upgraded wand why there’s so many of [Music] you please there we go I can’t move I’m suffocating wow this is off to a great start I used I used my Fireball wand to hurt myself but also to get out from underneath the pile of mud that was slowly suffocating me [Applause] this first run that’s going Monday as [ __ ] you’re not wrong yeah this first run has got Monday written all over it Jiminy Christmas oh I have two health I mean like I knew my health was bad I didn’t realize we were one hit from Death well yeah well one one significant hit from death you know what would be neat oh my God not being anywhere near him ooh he is aggressive he’s an angry [Music] elf you know what would be neat would be finding literally any wand any foosball fans happen to catch the Raiders losing a game to a guy who’ only been on the team for 36 hours and was living at a hotel ground to sand god 90th ID like I didn’t I didn’t watch most of that game because it looked like it was terrible it looked like it was a terrible game was like a plus one I didn’t watch most of that game because it looked like a terrible game like it looked like an unentertaining game I did tune in for that last uh that last couple of minutes though and boy am I glad I did to catch the Raiders doing some of the most Raider [ __ ] I’ve ever seen what happened to the Raiders so the Raiders were up 163 is that right 163 with like four minutes and change left in the game Baker Mayfield who literally stepped off the tarmac at LAX like a day and a half earlier takes over as their starting quarterback playing with a bunch of literal strangers people with whom he’s never played the game of [Music] football and the Raiders man it wasn’t that the Rams played good what the [ __ ] just happened there oh God right and my man’s just down there dominating the game um it wasn’t that the Rams played good but the Raiders managed to play so so bad that that guy’s coming from my blood nope I’m out of here my hands are sweating I can’t deal with him um the Rangers played so bad and had such un un uh what’s the word undisciplined penalties that they let they let Baker Mayfield win the game like he was Tom Brady with 9 seconds left on the clock they let the Rams score 14 points in like 3 minutes yeah imagine not passing to Devonte Adams imagine getting uh an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty for slapping the ball out of Baker Mayfield’s hands uh while they were on their two-minute drill with no timeouts or even better imagine jumping offside on the punt that would have sealed the game and giving Baker Mayfield and Company a fresh set of downs we can only imagine [Music] [ __ ] got to feel for I mean I guess you don’t have to if you if you if you hate the Raiders then you don’t have to feel for him at all but got to feel for Raiders fans I also extensions am super hyped about Hades too I’m I’m shocked that it exists not to mention with like a minute left in the game the Raiders kicked like uh the Raiders kicked a punt that should have gone out at the 20 but instead rode the sideline all the way down to the two and then your you know wonky hyper Caucasian punter is running to the sideline doing the cutthoat sign and like celebrating like he just caught a touchdown pass in the Super Bowl it was brutal and apparently if I’m understanding it correctly apparently if I’m understanding it correctly the Raiders have lost four games this year where they’ve been ahead double digits at the half it was it was it was a a a Monumental implosion for a team that hoped it was getting its season turned around for a playoff push it it was something else it was brutal to watch the Raiders doing what the Raiders did was the most Cowboys thing was the most Cowboys thing I’ve ever seen another team do that’s some [ __ ] I’m used to is a whisper from Michael WC who was the 151 Tipper after glitch and I was just I I was just making sure I couldn’t remember I couldn’t remember if Michael WC was the username was the twitch handle or if it had somehow I I was saying in the in the whisper I was saying in the whisper that uh Champion’s real name pops up on my phone uh glitch’s real name pops up on my phone when when they give uh when when they when they give on uh PayPal and so sometimes I get one or two different things that pop up and I’m I’m hyper careful to make sure if I’m at all curious about like if I’m at all oh my God if I’m at all curious about whether or not I’m supposed to say XY or Z out loud I just air on I air on the side of just playing it close to the chest cuz the last thing I’d want to do is accidentally dock somebody who’s trying to give me money and help me out oh my god oh we a lot of shotgun guys in this part of the woods oh he’s out from blood he’s a villain [Music] um I want to read chat but I only want to do it in places where I know I’m safe y’all got any more of them uh oh [ __ ] bury this pricky mud y’all got any more of them uh wands Lord he was [Music] coming are we giving bits for an early access playthrough of of Hades 2 I’m saying that I am I am doing a subathon on Monday so I’m reserving Hades 2 announcements about like how much money do we need to give Taffy to make Hades 2 happen F find out on Monday when we’re doing uh equal parts is like St Jude we’re doing equal parts if we line Taffy’s pockets that’s great this is what Taffy does for money but also uh if you give give what the oh there was more no oh where oh there was three of them inside that there were three of them overlapped on one Sprite I didn’t realize that there were three of them they were compressed all right well that was a rough start that’s fine I wanted I I I wanted to prove to myself that I could sneak around with two health and do just fine excuse hey welcome back oh those little spiders nights of the Old Republic time if I was being responsible maybe I did make it through a lot of that level with two health I wanted to prove to myself that I could get through there without getting hit just to make it a challenge for myself plus like I don’t I don’t want to leave the floor virtually empty-handed it really did feel like we were leaving there with almost nothing and that didn’t feel good hold still that was mostly aimed at me the spider was stuck a joke to you I want to go around and get this treasure chest we’ll wait we’ll wait for this to cycle itself out yeah I I I got I got an affinity for the occasional Hail Mary broken [Music] wand you got to love when the wand spread makes it look like you can’t aim because it’s constantly shooting high or low [Music] [Music] is this locked off uh all right guess who’s leaving out the back Michael thank you so much man I appreciate it it very it it’s very nice to see a happy whisper yesterday was not happy Whispers yesterday was angry Whispers not not for me to me though so it was uh very nice to see a whisper that was like Hey Big Ups on the channel thanks for being you you mind I’m kicking your dad’s ass [Music] [Music] here this is the strongest tandem in the history of video games the newest Denis of the cave it’s like a little Easter egg hunt [Music] that wasn’t a bad amount to get out of that considering I usually just dive into the uh acid and explode oh God yeah glitch thank you for the six months of the newest Denis of the six months of gifted Subs to Michael I I just worked under the assumption that Michael was likely subscribed here goodness gracious and then another 6 months to lowly henchmen thank you thank you moly henchman and Michael enjoy the emotes of course oh no all right well let this one have the torch for a split second I thought it was how are you eh you’re like very okay Little firew Rock buddy has been with us through thick and thin hasn’t it and we’re moving there’s just a lot of gold in here [Music] just a lot of gold in here that one made a move that one made a move on us I feel like exploring in our runs today there’s a part of me that genuinely hopes the that the game gives us an opportunity to pick up um oh my God he got so dunked there’s a part of me that really hopes the game gives us an opportunity to pick up vision for the entirety of the of the floor that would give me great joy I would like to see what’s hidden in the game right now um no this one’s better feel bad like I did a a mean-spirited thing there [Applause] we’re seeing wands this time around which is fun I say this time around the other run was really short I don’t know that I even consider that like a full-blown run acid has made this area very clunky to navigate [Applause] ooh who said dumplings oh glitch is going to get food yeah I’ve been hyper eager to warm up some soup dumplings [Applause] recently I got to start EX sizing again though I feel real bloated recently and I think it almost ex exclusively has to do with the fact that I’ve just been kind of like eating carbs at will and also haven’t worked out in like two weeks so I just feel very bloated of late I don’t think that’s going to get better until uh I either start working out or cut carbs but considering how badly I’ve been craving dumplings and noodles recently I think I just need to take my ch chunky ass into the gym God apocalyptic are you trying to get me to help you come fix that cuz I’ll I’ll do it I’ll let that be the charity that I’m driving for the charity chat is going to be us trying to get apocalyptic dumplings for the first time in potentially years no human should have to live that way there a fridge I’d love to raid sometimes always seems like you have something great to eat and ready to go every day Grump that’s I got I can either do leftover homemade spaghetti and meatballs today or I’ve got tandoori chicken that I was going to do into a wrap I try really hard not just to cook food like the biggest selling point for me is that I I want I want my wife and kids um to always be able to say that that like you know for Amber I want her hus I want her to say my husband cooks and it’s good to eat and I want my kids to look back and go you know Dad I I didn’t appreciate it at the time but you did work very hard to make sure that we had you did work very hard dad to make sure that we had um lots of great food you cooked your ass off for us you worked very hard to make sure that we had lots of good food options and lots of exposure to terrific food food when we were kids and we appreciate that so tonight I’m doing uh Tika Masala and I’m making my own sauce from scratch um I’m not making my own naan but I will the the naan that I’ve got just standard whole Wheaten on so I’m going to soup it up with some garlic butter and then selfishly I just like having leftovers self like selfishly I just like having leftovers so like uh whether or not it’s for stream or just I snack whether I should or not I snack so I I snack um so I’ve really enjoyed recently like having like beer battered deep fried cod fillets I did that so we could have fish tacos but when push comes to shove I also did that because I’ve been walking through my kitchen every couple hours grabbing a leftover cold fried fish fet and then throwing like a swipe of co*cktail sauce on it and then just Trucking it in transit um I like reusing stuff I like reusing stuff as sides so like I’ll make chili but then I’ll turn it into chili dogs later and there was a long stretch of time there where we um couldn’t afford quality ingredients so like Amber and I Amber and I and the boys were eating you know Dollar Store chicken nuggets because that’s all we could afford um so now now that you know if a recipe calls for Pudo I can pick up Pudo uh I’m not going out of my way to make all of our meals expensive but I’m also not going out of my way to make sure that I get the least expensive ingredients possible you know I think Men Who can cook are sexy too so there there’s always that I don’t do it specifically for that reason but like I was kind of I don’t want to say I was catching Guff oh my God we are going to go get the health over there I wasn’t catching Guff from my in-laws but my mother-in-law who does all the cooking in their house turned to my father-in-law and was like Ryan says that men who cook are sexy cuz he’s like retired Navy and she’s she’s worked her whole life but she’s also been the Homemaker yeah exactly D says non’s not hard to make but it takes it takes time what are you making the base Masala with uh let me find the recipe real quick I might just leave the torch well no if I’m going to get it I might as well get it and leave um I don’t want to come back to thisa radiated place except to maybe get my whatever the other wand is back jump to recipe oh man I was supposed to marinate this chicken overnight oh well do I have anything else I could do today I might get the chicken going tonight and then do that for dinner tomorrow marinate in yogurt salt turmeric garam masala coriander cumin and then the sauce is butter onion Ginger garam masala coriander cumin crushed tomatoes heavy cream salt sugar pepper and cilantro for anybody who gives a rip go marinate chicken I don’t I can’t marinate chicken right now yeah yeah Pinnacle chips we were talking about that too just how nice it would be to just have a Tandoor oven you do not use trigger and Masala well not according to Jennifer seagull or Jennifer theal all right um we just have to remember that this is where our Fireball Fireball wand is just let him potentially bleed out over time ah he did [Music] didactical array what did you do I’m against uncured ham I’m anti shoot though [Music] pun with no pun TXS I found that some of these recipes depending on what you want and the type of yogurt you get getting a cheesecloth and straining out any extra way is a okay I don’t think you know what it’s funny you should mention that D it’s uh such a random thing uh I don’t think I have any cheesecloth and I think two or three times now recently I’ve gone to the kitchen looking for cheesecloth uh not looking for cheesecloth but I bumped into things where it was like o you’re going to make yourself a little a little herb sachche you know all you got to do is get some cheesecloth and I was like [ __ ] I don’t have any cheesecloth I got I’ve got like uh yeah I got like baking string I got parchment paper I’m like I’m picking up things that I’ve not had for a while that I’ve needed and so now I’ve got them but of all the things cheesecloth has been one of those things where I’ve been like damn I need to pick up some cheesecloth glitch dude thank you so much for the 10,000 bits I thought that was glitch going like get your ass out of here and go marinate that chicken I was like dog I listen I got uh well no I can’t do that tonight I don’t know maybe it’s a pizza night I don’t know burn baby burn Disco Inferno burn baby burn I could marinate it for just an hour I think I prefer to marinate it overnight but I could marinate it for just an hour and it wouldn’t be the end of the world I would have to like the moment that I got done with stream I’d have to go start working on chicken so I could get into the fridge long enough to get it to marinade for an hour before I need it for dinner tonight Greek yogurt or SK skier sky are good picks the whole milk chabani Greek yogurt won’t need a cheesecloth so Richmond’s getting a lowy Mark or lowy Market but I don’t know when it is going to show up and it’s also it might be on the other side of town so like so right now there oh no right now the answer is no we don’t have an HT and we we don’t have a Loy Market uh Loy Mar Market whatever um but we’re getting Loy I just don’t know when that’s going to happen I do not have a vacuum sealer vacuum sealer like hit hit Throne okay vacuum sealer hit Throne about the same time that Amber started vetoing kitchen gadgets because we didn’t have for [Music] them sure the reload time’s not great but I could burn stuff down before it has a chance to do me dirty well potentially I’d have to hit it first um ice good morning you doing thighs or breast I I have been warming up to chicken thighs that really was not my jam for a long long time uh but I’ve been warming up to chicken thighs that said I’m pretty sure the soccer mom from whose recipe recipe Amber grabbed groceries said breast so I think Amber got chicken breasts um had had I been the one doing the shopping I probably would have grabbed thighs I I I’m having a thigh you know I’m having a chicken thigh Renaissance in my in my in my estoo I used I convinced myself for the longest time that I wasn’t a chicken thigh guy but recently I’ve been trusting recipes that have called for chicken thighs uh and they’ve been right it’s been very [Applause] good it is it is hard to mess up a chicken thigh and when you do it right like not just when you not only don’t mess it up but you do it right there is just consistently so much more flavor good flavors uh in chicken thigh and even when done well like a a well done chicken thigh compared to a well I don’t mean like cooking temperature I mean like well cooked compared to a well-cooked breast the chicken thigh has so just does so much more work wow Jade stone what was it out of curiosity we’re about to uh we’re about to uh pair up with hellofresh one more time to do their bougie option which is green Chef I hope it’ll happen during the subathon so I can cook with you I’m still going to set up the kitchen gear so that if dinner comes around I can cook with y’all watching um but my first three my first three meals coming from Green Chef are going to be chili Ginger pork tenderloin cheesy beefy burgers with caramelized onions and holiday beef tenderloin with cherry sauce the meal list that they gave me to picked from was Tha red curry I won’t do them all Tha well maybe I will Ty red curry with chicken coconut soup shrimp soup pork chops with tsiki lemon Deon salmon Mediterranean chicken chili Ginger pork holiday keto beef tenderloin with herb Jew uh creamy mustard herb chicken beef and sweet potato taco Skillet enchilada spice turkey bowls baramundi with Chipotle loli baharat spiced couscous salad tusin white bean and Shard soup roasted Curry pork chops creamy chimmy chur turkey bowls truffle risotto with Capra crustini I I I say this time and time again but I would do the hellofresh activations just for the food that I make any money off of it is just a huge [Applause] perk Aaron good uh good morning real talk I have pants on and I finished bullying APO I’m going out for food we’ll be here when you get back man I hope that the food is dynamite oh well that was going to be potentially my fire potion but uh you messed that up I am [ __ ] kind of over you right now my guy luckiest man alive that acid is doing work going to save me a bomb uh potentially not so much for the Spells is the wand I know that we all collectively said we weren’t big bouncy spell people but I think in this situation it might work well plus this thing is that’s like three shots at once it comes out so fast here’s the chicken marinade for Tik Masala I like making I’m going to open this up right now I like authentic if I can help [Music] it what is kasiri methy I don’t know what that [Music] is everything else makes sense God take my mouth water yeah Aaron we’ve we’ve all been kind of giggling we’ve all been kind of giggling about that Hades 2 announcement for sure a uh a company that’s know that a company that’s known for not doing DLC and not revisiting IP once they’re done with it releases a sequel to one of our favorite games of all time I was squealing this morning I’m I’m going to get hurt I bonked my head on the ceiling and I knew he had me then a Greek leaves you can find those at loan Hmart man that that the I’ve got a um I’ve got an international market that’s not bad but it sure as hell no Hmart oh I would put on so much weight if an Hmart opened near me they’re ready to eat food sections in those places I I would I would eat there every day I would single-handedly justify its appearance in Richmond oh [ __ ] I would single-handedly justify that place’s existence from software is not done with Elden ring yeah I mean like obviously we knew we knew Elden ring DLC was coming I was kind of hoping that they would announce that last night if I’m being honest with you I was kind of hoping that oops I was kind of hoping that Elden ring DLC was going to be on the announcement Horizon but I guess it it did in the grand scheme of things kind of just come out you know I was just going up there for that guy now I got to go deal with the whole thing are you stuck my guy what am I not hitting [Music] the juice is loose I didn’t forget that it was acid I just hoped I could burn it I I I hoped I could burn that acid down as fast as it showed up you know it doesn’t work that way as it turns out hey scyon I hope you’re having a great day as well I hope the studying goes well and that you crush the living [ __ ] out of your test I want Asian noodles so bad always what else is new but like I mean like for lunch I want Asian noodles so bad everything’s being so problematic right now there we go finally [Music] uh excuse me there we go I was going to say I didn’t throw you in there not to start a fire is the Coliseum DL the Coliseum DLC is like their their PVP stuff though right in which casee I’m excited for people who are excited for it but I you you know me I’m not a I’m not a I’m not a PVP guy not really a PVP guy well there’s a bomb wand which we might end up using and then just leaving behind reminding myself that nothing worthwhile is easy I’ve been studying for months but even if I don’t pass I can keep trying well I’m still going to root for you to knock it out of the park on the first try if you’re anything like me you like getting things ticked off a list especially something big like this that’s going to soak up so much of your attention you know all right so we’re going to get the health upgrade here is this a joke to you I’m sitting here thinking to myself I don’t want to use my water jug like there’s not about to be [ __ ] plenty of water in this place [Music] uh I caught little Snippets about it didn’t some some kid rushed the stage his Elden ring was accepting game of the year to talk some political conspiracy [ __ ] so they just killed the feed to the show and called it over apparently some flute got was jamming out real hard in the audience or in the in the orchestra as well I I caught I oh no I I caught the memeable moments I heard I heard I heard flute guy was going hard as [ __ ] I heard flute guy was going hard as [ __ ] I kind of caught up on the memes as I was sitting down getting ready to start stream for the day apparently Bri has never played Hades one yeah she said she hadn’t played the first Hades so I had to remind her on Twitter that it is one of the greatest video games I’ve ever played the the the the [Applause] craftsmanship yeah some some some dude jumped up on stage and said something about Rabbi Clinton and then they tackled him and cut cut feed honestly if from software wanted to like live up to their reputation that guy would have run on screen like the beginning character in a tutorial area and then one of them would have hit him with like a 35- ft sword and then over the top of it it could have gone you died as an overlay graphic and then they cut the feed yeah just hit him with a giant giant hammer and then fat rolled in a circle around him oh [ __ ] wasn’t this kid’s first time doing something like that apparently some people need the attention that’s saying something coming from a guy who begs you for your attention and money every day for a living but the fact that I look at that guy and go man how cringy how desperate for attention must you be [Applause] [Applause] [Music] just try to make it a little easier to navigate there we [Music] go so that that kid inadvertently did the hole I’m going let you finish bit makes me wish it was the esps my man would have walked up there started talking [ __ ] and then some 260 lb linebacker built like a [ __ ] cinder block would have trucked him and I’d have been okay with that I’ve constantly kind of had power fantasies about having somebody run up and like interrupt me during an award speech or like run onto the field for like an event that I had a hand in or something like that and and me just WWE clothesline the living [ __ ] out of them I don’t know why but that that that desire is very strong in me oh God yeah Christopher Judge is I mean you know he he’s no he’s he’s no uh he’s no John Cena uh but he he is he is a a brick of a man yeah Christopher Judge could have given that dude the business in my heart I believe that Christopher Judge is like a a very like a pacifist almost I don’t know why I got nothing to believe like I I’ve heard that his speech his acceptance speech uh for playing Kratos I’m going to guess uh but I heard that his acceptance speech was incredibly wholesome uh but I I don’t know like my instinct tells me that Christopher Judge is just a very kind person Christopher Judge is a walking jawline my instincts tell me that Christopher Judge is a kind person I don’t know that there’s a whole lot left for us to do here I do want whatever the [ __ ] going on over there though why is my gold floating [Music] away a tiny celestial object that has a strong gravitational pull wait is Christopher Judge I I’ve never watched that that never watched Stargate but I know I’m placing his face now I’ve seen like clips and stills was he in Stargate is he he going to sounds so stupid is he that dude is he that dude with the very Christopher Judge looking face and star sg1 no [ __ ] good for him like it’s the dumbest way I can think of to describe it but it’s just like wait there was a guy in Stargate sg1 who looked a lot like Christopher Judge and everyone in chat right now is just going yeah dude it was Christopher Judge and I was like I [ __ ] knew it I [ __ ] knew it yeah Mr Clean I haven’t seen the trailer yet I haven’t seen the trailer yet I was live before I found out about [Music] it so like I was reading about I saw I I saw Dan’s gaming say the announcement for Hades 2 was such a pleasant surprise last night the the first one was such a masterpiece or whatever and I thought he was teasing all the people who went to sleep I thought he was teasing all the people who went to sleep and didn’t watch the awards ceremony and I almost wrote to Dan’s gaming it’s not too late to take this down with like a sad David Tenant GIF and then I realized that Hades 2 was trending globally and I like just the thought of it right now like I’m instantly tearing up and I went and verified that it was in fact a real thing that was announced and I’m just uh just shook just shook Revenge bullets uh fire immunity got to be fire immunity [Music] [Music] energy sphere is this what I dropped in with or is this my digging spell all the energy spheres all the energy spheres look roughly the same to me I think yeah sphere is the Diggy wand I [Music] think energy orb is dig energy Spar is starter spell [Music] well I kind of want Fire trail I might just buy a wand for Fire trail and then just incorporate it into my existing [ __ ] here orb is digs sphere is not boo all right vile cat be good I would watch it right now God is it yeah no it’s all it’s creeping up on 11 I was like damn why am I so hungry are any of these wands actually good recharge time is terrible that one’s not bad so I buy this one for Fire trail and then I stick it on this wand with something else is this better it’s ever so slightly better it’s got a higher [Music] capacity the stats here are better well maybe I just do this one and just stick three spells on it you know what if I buy this wand though it replaces this one and I stick this on [Music] there it’s actually not a bad wand [Music] [Music] sorry I think I’m overthinking this I’ll get this wand back I just want to take stuff off of it [Music] [Music] first all right um so I think this [Music] becomes I wish I had trigger I think that becomes a fire wand I think this just kind of moves up [Music] here I think that just becomes my bomb wand then this also becomes like a fire [Music] wand I guess it’s not a particularly sexy build but [Music] time and V hopes all of you beautiful souls are having the loveliest of days if you’re not I offer you consensual hugs sounds lovely I would take a consensual hug right now I’m a hugger do love me some hugs close range long range with fire yeah Cod I’m sorry you’ve been going up against it [Music] man I hope things get [Music] better A lot of screen shake up in this [ __ ] fire immunity is so good but it’s going to be especially good in the coal mines working in the coal mines going down down down working in the coal mine about to get down somebody just left all this gold in the ground hey is 50% off on switch right now any excuse to play that game is a good excuse I kind of ex-wife just left to go on a date with a friend from her job I’m so [ __ ] shambles inside but smiling outside I can’t I [Music] oh that’s not happened before that’s actually me clicking outside of my screen to the space like to the new monitor above it better excuse me oh lava not immune to Lava fire immunity lava immunity not the same thing my guy [Music] why I’m still in the market for a stronger I’m selling the market for a stronger weapon that’s for sure God damn it toxic sludge everywhere I’m back to thinking about how good pizza rolls would be from yesterday [Music] all right ready ready for my next exciting wand ready for my next big upgrade here I keep thinking that they’re probably going to be like oh uh I’m I’m clearly burrowing down to something where they’re they’re hiding a a health upgrade or something I got nothing to base that on other than I just want to believe that I’m going to find hidden stuff y Cloud swall hey Cloud swalling man what’s going on I wonder if glitch is going to bring back enough dumplings for all of us God damn it [Applause] Brian taking so much poison damage just by being a lazy ass this man just jumped off this guy catch fire it sure doesn’t seem it so these guys blood will hurt me but their bullets will not uncalled for you seem to be stuck [Applause] a I got to find a use for this weird Moon looking thing there’s got to be a path through here it would be greedy to think that they’d [Applause] have it would be greedy to think that they’d have uh another Health upgrade sitting right here but I’m a greedy player by Nature [Applause] oh no not like this all right we’re good never mind much to do about nothing there’s another fire rock been up here hey I got to get a better primary wand good grief maybe even give in the temptation to just use the shotgun for a while the little bouncy balls are not great Rick [ __ ] shotgun snipers man what are they even greedy doesn’t even begin to describe your avarest that’s fair that’s fair I do like things though I do like possessions it’s the point score of life but Taffy my loving family Taffy all my friends yeah better get your friends to pick up the check at that Michelin star restaurant that’s what you better do power of friendship ain’t pain for that [ __ ] my man’s going to drown in there and I’m going to [Music] [Music] watch Firebolt with trigger got a funky little Mana charge on it 480 Mana charge 12 Max Mana I’ll just remember that that’s there a lot of fire spells on it too which is kind of cool considering the build you oh I was out of up dog that stinks these guys are everywhere man goddamn mercenary assassins oh the worm get you glitch what did you get for food man out of curiosity is Choo Cho Charles the like Thomas the tank engine mod horror game that I was seeing for a while kicking around [Music] nothing there chili burger that I didn’t get yesterday [ __ ] chili burger sounds dope yeah chili burger do nicely oh my God the 1,000 gold nugget I really want to see it on your list happy it sounds amazing making it rain fire the old big nug we’ve been up there it’s like Space Invaders ah a [ __ ] me I’ll [Applause] wait what’s going on over here I just came into some money on this game game what do you got to impress me large magic Missile venomous curse I’ll never not do venomous curse explosion sounds good considering what we got going on freezing gaze projectile energy Shield you know what we’re going to grab them all as long as we don’t get into a real dicey Health situation as long as we don’t get into a real dicey Health situation we can B basically make as much money as we really need to on this [Applause] floor Yeah we actually had a healing wand yesterday Aon I I had to I had to finally ask chat to spoil for me how it worked but we had a healing one yesterday that topped us off like three times on a on a very dicey chunk of room where I was I was grateful for the help it’s not the kind of thing I’d want to count on all the time but it definitely oh my God it definitely worked for us um the healing bath was was pretty funny oh Chad I got myself a potential spam call oh no [Music] well I’ve learned a valuable lesson chat I’ve learned a valuable lesson about shooting chests in confined spaces I’m also glad I didn’t panic [Music] but I wanted to panic I was genuinely freaking out there for a second there we go oh man there’s my there’s my energy orb it’s not idea deal [ __ ] that guy we got him [Applause] [Music] [Applause] I don’t know about you guys but I learned my lesson oh what’s going on here he wondered [Music] aloud h yo froy what’s going on thought I saw a rare thing in a pile of loose coal that was down left from where you left the bomb wand but I’m doubting myself God I can’t remember I can’t remember where I left the the bomb wand I want to come back for that though I’ll go look for it I have no problem spending a little bit of time on this on this level for sure [Music] [Music] just sit here and do this from range all day yeah I’ll go I’ll go peek back at that area where I left the bomb one but I’ll be damned if I can remember where that is off the top of my head if I’m being real with you oh [ __ ] is this person doing over here somebody down there grabb a wand ow these flies are pains in the ass man should be right of where you are I’ll go take a look I ain’t too proud I might be too hungry though oh Hungry Hungry Hippo strikes again yeah CAG happy Hades today is there a death stranding too coming as well I can’t remember if death stranding one is on our list I think it is I feel like somebody gave a bunch of money for me to play Death stranding [Music] one death stranding 2 got announced I feel like I I feel like people enjoyed it once they kind of got over what it was you know but that’s just me outside looking in it seemed like everybody was real underwhelmed because they just didn’t like get it and then over time it feels like people really warmed up to it because they they had a better understanding of what kind of video game they were playing like it it suddenly had its had its like it had a lot of detractors and then suddenly a lot of people turn like it felt like a lot of people turned around and went no we take it back this is actually really good yo Aaron uh congratulations oh you you didn’t beat Elden ring Elder ring won in the Video Game Awards gotcha I you know what the actual Awards themselves I could you know if if winning an award make Chris judge happy then I’m happy that the awards happened you know or or for any of recipients really if it was validating for them then I’m glad that they got it um otherwise man M like it it seems like such a masturbatory thing death stranding was amazing but now that the roads are built the game will be very different yeah I like I know uh I I know that ultimately there are paths and routes that are placed there by other players that are basically like hey we wish this had been here for us um enjoy your trip and suddenly there’s a shortcut so I can imagine it was a very different game when nothing was there but that things have changed pretty considerably this is the story of the newest denisen of the cave now that a lot of people have have put their fingerprints on the game in a good way you know but there’s also a part of me that’s like you know if it makes it easier for Norman Reus and the Funky fetus to get around on my run through then I for one I’m all for it Godly Turtle Tier 1 13 months can’t wait for Hades 2 and I want it now I Echo that sentiment it’s my Hades to spend it when I need it players that have literally built highways yeah cuz I remember when it first came out people were getting excited about like oh man other players have left like rope Bridges or zip lines or stuff like that I’d imagine when left to its own devices the internet going to be like yo we uh built the Chunnel the game is now 30 minutes long honestly Cold Duck Soup so like I played starting to get a little little horse with the exception of Dark Souls 1 I’ve played all the other from soft games on stream I didn’t realize I enjoyed them and then chat paid me to play them and now I realized that I [ __ ] love fromsoft games I love them I didn’t realize that I love them I thought I hated them [Music] um but it turns out not only do I love them but I’m also very good at them um even I at the end of Elden ring because there because it’s not an on the rails Story the way the other from software games are even I got to the end of my playthrough of Elden ring and was like I am eager to play almost anything else right now so I’m I’m I’m with [Music] you your complaint makes sense to me because I was I was over streaming it like I was I was done with it by the time I quit and I I couldn’t believe that that was I couldn’t believe that that was the case considering how I had never played a from soft I had never played a fromsoft game at launch but the open world aspect of it is it’s a lot and I would imagine that that does make that it does make it difficult to watch so I’m half just harvesting gold but trogdor said that somewhere in here they thought they might have seen something rare and if that’s the case I’ll be nice and thorough I’m making a fortune doing this anyway I don’t have any personal Vendetta against no man’s sky but I definitely didn’t buy into the hype and then I think I watched Dan’s gaming play at once like one afternoon back when it first came out which is obviously a very different game and kind of shrugged it off and never really looked back Taffy would you limit that to from soulsborne games or a general statement announced the newest game in their Mech Warrior game called armored Core 6 I’ve never played any of the armored Core games I’ve heard folks like glitch saying that they are big armored Core fans this is literally the first I’ve ever heard of the franchise if I’m being honest I know that that’s a from from software franchise but I I don’t know anything about it yeah a lot of people seemed really excited about the armor core stuff there’s the shotgun one wand there’s the icy bolt wand that we were you know kind of keeping our fingers on the tabs cuz I do not have ice ice or water immunity it’s a Mech Series yeah I haven’t I haven’t played Mech games since like Mech Warrior when I was a kid [Music] oh [Music] yeah we did get the better energy sphere um I’m not specifically doing this like I’m C I’m certainly not doing this to be like cheeky but trogdor said that they thought they might have seen something Nifty ooh B Billy trogdor said they thought they may have seen something rare and I’ve just been scanning the I’ve been scanning the map trying to see what that might have been I feel like I let did did I not leave the bomb wand I I feel like I left the bomb wand on the previous on the previous floor yeah if we find ad Mana this could be kind of arly wand feel like that goes there like sincerely correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure I left the bomb wand on the previous floor get the F out of Dodge [Music] 90th ID dropping 50 gifties plums uh Sith cism cism Jerell brother mittens the jerkness monster felini fiend chicken pet basy hellac Captain Curts Big O Grizzly AJ B uh Pro no bro two Revo ice pops uh t- maxter music lovera H uh Hassen Alon Z Kon Super Bubble no amused the hunter wild that makes me feel good Lilith doam uh Myan creamy py bubo space Mony UK caveman Wallace confetti Jones OG War arcade Annie Lin Mino Decay mitz ronic brosus uh brosus omon collie Burr subpar pjf Guardian Fiddler jir nexx [ __ ] Brinks gaming warlord Vegeta Mishima Neil Hamilton sunbro and Jonas AKP early subathon I’m going start it with a a I’m going to start it with eight hours on the clock on Monday and we’ll see what happens Jim Christmas 90th ID thank you so much the trick with armored cor is you build the smallest Mech you can with the lightest fastest guns and you’ll melt stuff with pin Pricks uh and be too fast to Target my buddy and I made several people rage quit the game I have no idea what this game is but do wand things I have been adoring this game this game is uh risk of rain and every you know weapon you have you can Custom Design it’s amazing I dig this so much oh trog door honestly like I try not to overhype things but Hades I was gifted Hades and I was gifted uh a a an epic Creator code to try to sell Hades when it was an early access and I just I couldn’t talk myself into it I didn’t think I had the juice I didn’t think I had the juice to sell video games to people this is a long time ago I didn’t think I had the juice to sell video games to people and I didn’t want to play a game that was in Early Access I didn’t know if it was going to be really good or just Okay and then the irony is that when the game went into full release people were hitting me up and saying Taffy this game is amazing and I was like I’ve had this game for a really long time it’s all right and I went back in and played it after it was finished and I mean they had been working on it for years at that point like I didn’t even know I wasn’t even cognizant of the fact that this was like the that early access was very different I didn’t realize that early access was very different in its finished form um I had never switched off of The Binding of Isaac as my morning game in six years of streaming at that point and chat I was I was clear clearly burnt out on The Binding of Isaac I was very tired of playing that game every single day and chat gave me some money and said give Hades a try we think you’ll really like it and I ended up playing that game for 6 months and not touching the binding advis for a half a year for the first time in my streaming career cuz I enjoyed Hades so much and I would have kept playing it except just at one point on one day uh all of twitch just kind of decided that they were over it and so viewership just sort of fell off a clip overnight and that was a real bummer for me because I wasn’t quite finished I didn’t feel like I was quite finished with the game but it it is one of the most well-crafted video games especially from a story perspective and a voice Talent perspective it is it is a a video game that you pay what like you know anywhere between five and $40 for depending on when you bought it and it’s just a game that keeps on giving those are hitting me huh those count all right sitting here getting getting picked [Music] off and away oh my another shop huh who we Rick uh spark Bol double trigger trigger orbiting Arc lightning [Music] bolt double shop you say we haven’t even made it all the way over to the left yeah like we haven’t even started the fungal Caverns oh Lord they [Music] coming God you ever you ever have not a lot of recourse to deal with stuff that was really good at dodging your shots couldn’t happen to me I genuinely don’t know if I’m going to go into the fungal Caverns I’m a little bit nervous about that if I’m being real with you ow God damn it poison rocks oh I definitely got to do something about this ghastly I definitely got to do something about this ghastly uh first w on slot it is [Music] bad just ever ever so carefully exploring here we’ve spent a lot of money on this floor and we just kind of keep raking it in by drilling around that’s the spot and I was wrong okay I just wanted to make sure you know I don’t necessarily want to be led to water but I also like the idea of like hey Taffy if you’re interested there’s some cool [ __ ] in this area that you potentially about to leave behind I’m mostly just going around looking for big gold deposits at this point not that I feel like I need just spend too much more time on this floor but I do like the idea of being you know loaded going into the next bit I’m going to go peek at the fungal Caverns but if something so oh no if something so much as looks at me sideways man I’m out of there sideways fungus oh always the [Music] worst it’s all right it’s all right it’s all right she mov m in mysterious ways of it’s all right it’s all right oh Billy well that is [ __ ] worse it’s all right it’s all right it’s all right be my days light up my nights oh oh yeah sounds good what could possibly go wrong I think I’m okay if I’m being honest [Music] what are we only one Heroes away from funding Dishonored I’ve never played a Dishonored game before [Music] rocks oh how lucky [Music] my situational awareness is being affected [Music] glitch dishonor ised Sil I’ve been all around the glob trying to protect your [Music] soul this is [Music] the I think I’m leaving we are heroes Tonight We Will Fly Above it’s the third time I’ve heard this song [Music] Today choke point baby [Music] I’ve been flying toon to I’ve been all around the trying to protect your soul we are heroes Tonight We Will Fly Above that was a wand grenade I was very [Music] desperate we are heroes tonight we will fly above the sky we are heroes tonight [Music] we [Music] [Applause] are I think I’m leaving we are hero Tonight We Will Fly Above [Music] [Applause] the I’ve been flying town fromon to Tha I’ve been all around the GL trying to protect your soul that is the third time I’ve heard that song Today glitch drops 150 one says for cat’s wish thank you for funding Dishonored one from 10 years ago little Heroes tonight by ji and yawning Frost what’s going on homeboy how the hell are you tier one 21 months Frost did you play Noida [Music] holy [ __ ] I forgot I forgot what that I I switched that out I switched wands things are terrifying do I have any like bomb bombs nothing I got a whole bunch of components I got a whole bunch of components I seen many hours of this game and never picked up myself lots of friends provided me much uh provided much content to me it’s fun as hell it’s hard it’s [Music] difficult just trying to get a glimpse here is there anything I should be scared of I mean it’s [ __ ] Noida so yes the answer is yes oh no um all right now we’re like really really leaving yeah glitch and JJ Madison have been strutting their bad stuff recently it’s been very fun to watch not for any particular reason then I think uh just that some people have mentioned that we got some uh we got some some real bde floating around here when it comes to bit B ah when it comes to like bit Badges and gifted sub Badges and all that jazz normally I’d let my greed get me here but there’s just too much we have too much stuff to Tinker with huh I don’t really care for any of those wands project duplication your projectile spells have a chance to duplicate but you’re more vulnerable to projectile damage take 20% less damage teleport every time you get hurt stronger levitation I kind of want to roll those I kind of wish that these wands were a little bit like more stocked but whatever uh chat we have so much cool [ __ ] to play [Music] with all right so we have all this to play with while I eat some lunch [Music] second it’s falling apart [Music] one one oneand two wand three wand four and then these wands as well that one’s not bad it’s cheap all right I’m going to stuff some food in me real quick [Music] oh [Music] jobi I can’t wait I’m eager to let that be my game for a while [Music] [Music] I want to put poison explosion and damage Plus on a trigger spell [Music] I got to build a new digging wand now that I got rid of the um plasma that I love so much [Music] [Music] it’s lunchtime I always eat it [Music] lunchtime I’d lie lie and tell you it’s not good but it really is I didn’t know what to eat so I brought up two things which is probably more food than I should be having for lunch but I left over be a meatballs is calling my name too [Music] all right I’m ready to build the one all right can I do that [Music] no feel like that’s asking it to do too much I’m on the wrong one oh the drills gimy Christmas yeah uh boop boop this might work oh no that burns through Mana so fast what about now Mana charge speeds a nightmare on that it seemed like it would be good we can still put some whoops we can still put something good on [Music] there this wand with nothing but the four luminous drills yeah I can do that then we’ll rearrange it because this thing is 100% going to become my [Music] it’s kind of cool it does shoot them out a ways little murder laser [Music] oh no I broke [Music] it feel like that’s probably that there [Music] [Music] w so that goes into the one slot this is our Diggy wand feel like I need a better wand I got a lot of great spells and not a lot of wand power going on here I wish [Music] I got a lot of great Spell components and I just don’t have enough Firepower to load one up I don’t think [Music] [Music] [Music] makes it faster for what it’s worth try moving a modifier to the end um I don’t know that it feels any different we could do like that I guess doesn’t really feel like it changes anything I don’t have I don’t have enough to put an explosion on there explosion with trigger I think it’s going to be Dynamite I think this be really [Music] [Music] good I’m going to roll these [Music] immunity to explosive damage that feels pretty [Music] good now I want to build me a spoy wand [Music] [Music] immunities are so good in this game you’re not [Music] wrong um what if I don’t know just do [Music] [Applause] it’s too much 70 85 90 91 Mana drain yo Champion what’s going on dude long time no see good news man I know you gave me two grand a while back to set myself up with candy Mark 1 well she is a but and she is ordered and I should have candy Mark 1 here from the F Folks at Star Forge systems before the end of the year they certainly didn’t give it to me for free but they gave it to me at cost which was like three grand like 3500 with shipping and taxes yeah the cast delay on this one’s depressing um I want to see our fastest one with nothing but explosion that’s our fastest wand but it doesn’t have the Mana necessary sadly none of none of our wands well I mean that wand does and I guess that wand does but not neither of our usable wands have the have the necessary [Music] have the necessary stored Mana she is effectively going to put my 9-year-old streaming PC out to pasture after almost a decade of service me well this just doesn’t seem like it’s doing anything for me there we go let’s do it like that I guess how am I I am eating leftover spaghetti and meatballs and that brings me great joy I am eating which means my fat ass is happy [Music] what are you eating yeah Cold Duck superos have them I appreciate you asking in [Music] advance eggs eggs are tight how are you having them [Music] sweet [Music] toast what the [ __ ] America indeed why is the toast [Music] sweet all your bread is sweet I almost almost I almost never eat bread unless I like unless I’m I the only time I really eat bread is when I eat crusty bread that I’m like dunking into uh soups I can’t remember the last time I had white bread well not like white sandwich bread almost all the bread that I do is like rustic multi-grain stuff okay so let’s see reduce on a on a no Shuffle wand set all these down for now [Music] reduce or rech uh reduce recharge or [Music] freeze double trigger damage plus explosion [Music] oh double trigger the spell got [Music] it it’s pretty cool but it runs out almost immediately yeah it’s like every single one of these is not enough Mana we’ve we’ve got the pieces for some really cool [Applause] [ __ ] we got some pieces for some really cool [ __ ] [Music] come [Music] on but it’s it’s problematic at m at the [Music] moment our our wands are problematic at the moment [Music] [Music] try Cold’s idea on one one sure I can do that [ __ ] uh pop pop it again for me so I don’t have to scroll up [Music] hold on I can’t I can’t see give me two seconds uh reduce charge double trigger damage Plus explosion wait I’m doing it in the wrong place whatever you go here we go here go here go here drop that hm all right all right all right all right all right all right all right now ladies I would like to see y’all on y’all’s baddest behavior is let trying to get Max use out of [Music] [Music] this h that’s that’s scary we [Music] all right let’s get the hell out of [Music] here try Lumi I don’t know what Lumi is oh luminous [Music] drill hold [Music] on I approve [Music] boy some of these wands are hot garbage you know what I should do oh you know what I should do chat because of the recharge time on this one [Music] no that’s not right bear with [Music] me I got to start thinking ahead I’m just curious [Music] [Music] yeah Lauren that’s what I was thinking is that I’ve done this way too often myself I try to make all four of my wands viable then I walk outside this door instantly find a wand I like better but it means ditching a wand that has spells on it that I [Music] want so we’re not doing that this time around matter of fact I want to free up some room in case we find like a shop [Music] [Music] G it is what it is I guess all right let’s see who we are we are the [Applause] excavator I may live beneath you but nothing is beneath me I shot that dude I shot that dude through the ground well I mean right away it’s it’s an okay wand and I’m not clearly not going to use this but there’s another damage upgrade yeah just like that we pick up a free damage [Applause] plus just like that we pick up a free damage Plus [Music] [Applause] [Applause] I know that guy thought he was on our team ow [ __ ] [Music] [Music] [ __ ] out of here [Music] rat I’m going to rain down Unholy Thunder on this guy can’t even see him little prick oh yeah I’d take pleasure in gutting you boy oh I ate that one I’m stuck I’m stuck on [ __ ] air I’m stuck on air stop [ __ ] hitting [Applause] me Sol Uno pixel so much poison must cleanse it with fire holy guacamole cow welcome back drill is always to see you here I can’t move this place we are not the same game we are not the same dude there’s so many floating pixels there’s no way to do what I’m doing right now there’s no way to do this without explosion immunity [ __ ] I could conceivably get rid of the orb wand if it’s not like we need it right [Music] now I can’t have you guys getting out of there and then finding that wand though sorry buds [Applause] [Music] I have taken more damage than I anticipated on this floor I don’t know why I’m surprised this is kind of The Proving Ground what’s the uh deal with all that [ __ ] Health you got there my man seems a bit much go get him lad guess waterers follow me water we’re going this way sorry FISH [ __ ] that’s not a bad [Applause] wand There You Go Fish [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] h oh uh you say that you aren’t informed about Warhammer 40K but you are taking the very exterminatus way of dealing with your foes well you know may maybe me and Warhammer it’s time that we made introductions maybe it’s time that me and Warhammer became [Applause] friends I want to murder all were you uh were you thinking about doing what I was thinking about doing snake bitten lot of Wands down here oh Billy sneaky decky yo a drill there’s our there’s our Mana the recharge speeds are abysmal but found Mana for what it’s worth I feel like I’m constantly running out of levitation exterminatus is the this planet is full of Heretics sort of weapon story of the newest tenis of the cave grey I think that might have been what snake bitten was trying to do and if it hadn’t happened like right now I was I was gearing up to do it myself I too was thinking about sorting with sorting that out God damn this ice planet or this ice [Applause] biome well the good news for those of you who think that Warhammer and I might have fun together is that glitch is is either funding glitch is either funding or has funded oh I do like critical but I like I don’t know what I would possibly lose right now um glitch is has either funded or is in the process of funding a couple of uh Warhammer games for us oo Billy be careful what was the one that’s like left for dead to dire tide is that correct [Applause] dark tide so that one has has been getting good reviews that one’s been getting good reviews and Justin has said yes and Brizzy has said yes so at some point we we’ll need to find a fourth uh maybe like Blan or something like that uh but apparently Justin Brizzy and I with somebody are going to play dark tide dire tide was a Dota 2 meme if I recall correctly that explains why it was in my wasn’t that I feel like that was also the name of like a recent battle pass thing for DOTA it’s been living in my head for some reason and then I feel like uh I feel like glitch also funded some other some other Warhammer game that I got to play sometime in 2023 all I know about Warhammer is that uh Old Henry caval is super into it that like literally is all I know about it that Henry caval and uh Rahul kohley who is in all those um I mean he’s in a lot of things but he’s in all those Mike Flanigan uh horror Johns like um midnight mass and uh the haunting of blind Manor he’s in his new one right now which I think is it’s not mask of the Red Death Fall of the House of Usher is in Fall Fall of the House of Usher but yeah rul Coley and uh Henry caval are all I really know about Warhammer that Gold’s lost to me forever it’s a lot of bombs shaa reie thank you so much for the [Music] gifty no Noah has not been through here today why do I feel like Noah had did Noah have some sort of scheduling thing today I don’t think you did these guys are rough man like Jesus are these guys explosion immune like what the hell I can’t help but feel like I’m doing enough damage to kill this man [Applause] [Applause] oh Lord that bad man Taffy’s [Music] coming The Dread pirate Taffy Has Come For Your Soul oh you know what Alyssa I don’t think anyone I don’t think Amber has gotten it from the from the PO Box let me ask let me as a matter of fact let me text her and see if she’ll do that today uh boink sprink can you check the PO Box on the way home I don’t think anyone’s I don’t think anyone’s checked the uh PO Box in a minute all right too much water do not let yourself become addicted to water all right she will if she had said no boy I would have put my hands together like this and asked real nicely as second [Applause] time excavation all roads seem to lead back to you too recently hello think I got him Throne is so loud why is throne so loud I’ve changed the volume on Throne before and it becomes inaudible unless I put it at Max but if I put it at Max it’s like an angel’s playing a harp inside my brain I’m going to work under the assumption that someone just bought me the double decker cooking bus who knew that I’d have to wait until almost Christmas for my best house Halloween jump scare oh I am so full from lunch goodness gracious I got to stop eating until I’m bloated oh these are all credited JJ Madison says credited what’s this one all about ah that is completed I have that back to orders um let’s see hold on give me two seconds I’m just going to clean up my Throne real quick that hasn’t come yet oh I’ll leave that alone so that’s Rusty Brazen fire stuff this from JJ Madison is credited what do I need to buy I bought that that’s marked as completed yeah that’s the uh that’s the the lawn decoration snowmen that Amber’s got to get out this week that’s ordered from Lost Romeo this is all credited from Champion so let’s see what these are oh nice that’s the kettle hook for the fire or for the for the fire pit the grill for the fire pit and the the fire poker which looks like it looks like a harpoon uh scared the [ __ ] out of me um look at this thing like get out of here this thing’s gnarly she’s she’s she’s she’s not tending that fire she’s she’s applying the death blow to it Cody Cy Pokey hookie rip and tear until the job is done you could kill a great white whale with that [Music] that’s pretty neat and then if I’m being honest uh we also got what are we the we’re not the Lux we’re the X Series yeah yeah yeah we got the grill so I can now do this over my fire pit they have a sear plate that they sell for this thing for the Outer Edge but I have a 36 in professional grade griddle so it feels like Overkill uh yeah there’s the sear plate which I just don’t need and then one the other one was the kettle hook yeah yeah yeah that said I got to get like a piece of like my I have a lodge but the lodge doesn’t have this so I got to see about getting the I got to see about getting the handle a handle for the for the lodge o that’s a neat idea using cooking twine and just hanging Ro like hanging a chicken above the above the fire like a little rotisserie oh yeah that’s neat like roasting peppers and [ __ ] hanging off of that all right I’m listening champion thank you so much dude I’ll get those ordered today scared the [ __ ] out of me but it doesn’t mean I’m not grateful it just means it scared the [ __ ] out of me finally have the ability to deal with those [ __ ] before they poison the entire level [Applause] acid 100 to one oh yeah I will murder you are we good are you and me squared away now oh ho ho what’s this I want the magic I want the trigger I want the trigger but not enough to swap out a wand [Applause] [Applause] we actually so we P we picked up this one which has got 350 with a charge of 102 and we picked up this one no yes we picked up this one which is 320 with 110 so we we’ve got some we’ve got some wands with a little bit of Mana space now none of them are lighting the world on fire but I also like fact that if I take those two ones I get I get two damage [Applause] upgrades I’m just face rushing these guys now surprise mother trucker uh honestly at some point I may find myself in a situation where I find like there’s an enemy that I I can’t get an angle on or something and in those situations I don’t mind throwing a chaotic poly at it because that’s basically taking whatever bottled chaos that scares the [ __ ] out of me and then weaponizing that chaos against my enemy scobble raing party of seven thank you so much hope your stream went really well violent that’s true I’ve learn I’ve learned that with if you can’t control chaos you better point it at least in the right direction those rats never stood a chance it’s risky but a pretty fun idea that describes a lot about how I play video video games that is unwise but it does sound like fun to watch the the Lance hello uh the L the Lance the the light Lance is a spell that I would I would like very much to find a use for at some point seemed like a good idea at the time didn’t it shooting up at me like that I know you’re up there went well look for bow parts and Court keeper didn’t die from an ambush from the boss areas I don’t think I’ve played core keeper I haven’t I haven’t played core keeper have I chat that sounds familiar I didn’t play that during like the St Jude subathon did I I got to get the bo I got to get the the wheel of random pulled together which reminds me chat if you if you’re at all interested it you know much like what dorf romantic and uh uh um uh [ __ ] what are the names of the other games we played um was it l uh landlord landlord slot machine game and all the other ones that we played that we we otherwise wouldn’t normally have yeah marbles luck being a landlord that’s what it was like luck being a landlord that’s actually a pretty good want to luck be a landlord dorf romantic um into the breach there was one it was like Rogue Towers peglin yeah we played a fair amount of peglin backpack hero was fun so if you’ve got games like that again or games that you want to see put back onto uh another wheel of random I think once again we’re going to do that that thing where once we’re outside of programmed time uh if we do if we do a a hundo if we do a hundo in one one shape or another we’ll uh we’ll we’ll fire up the wheel of random yeah brot would be fun I was watching Brizzy play brot it looks fun as hell there have been people who have been asking me speaking of rot there have been people who have been asking for more vampire survivors uh there are people who have you know on top of vampire survivers who who have been saying you know we could find an excuse to load up another Cult of the Lamb run now now is our time now is our time to be sure yeah we were just talking about I I only did it for like an hour and a half two hours I think it was two hours we were doing those for so i’ I’ve only done lucky a landlord for two hours but I would happily throw it back on the list for sure tiny Rogues we can throw on there I’ve been playing tiny Rogues in my spare time you think I’m stuck in here with you you’re stuck in here with me dumb dummy that one hurt I’m coming out there we go ow freck I didn’t even see that guy I was looking at chat hello am I out of up dog oh God we could put uh we could put uh fiend folio on there people who have been dying for me to play fiend folio Brizzy has a lot of those decent one-off games no I don’t know what dark and darker is it’s only in the play test stage but man it’s a fun high fantasy PVP game yeah we could we could pull all those together La last um during our last subathon which was was mainly to I mean it benefited me too I made money but it was mostly to benefit St Jude Children’s Research hospitals so during our last sabath on we threw out uh an entire wheel of of games like that with like 30 entries on it and I played a lot of games i’ never played before which we don’t get to do here very often that’s just not an option here because we have our our in this case after Noida game and our after Noida game until it’s done is nights of the Old Republic 2 and then it’ll shift to something something else um but yeah like we got to go Knights of the Old Republic 2o which I think is also going to after that it’ll take us into like Ratchet and Clank like we have a whole list but during these during these very rare subathon um it gives us an opportunity to have an excuse to just like randomly plug in 30 games that we could play for a couple hours each and just do them for the sake of doing them because it’s it’s a very different borrowed time you know melted blood my favorite yeah Hades is I thought it was a joke I thought they were playing with our hearts Arc storm fist no it’s real Hades 2 is happening Hades 2 is going to go into Early Access in 2023 I saw Dan’s gaming talking about it and I thought Dan was [ __ ] with us Dan was not [ __ ] with us ooh is this finally downwards bolt bundles time to shine you little prick my hand isn’t even on the mouse [Music] yeah Alyssa I I I was hoping that I was hoping that Cult of the land would be a game we’d play for like six months I adored it but damned if we didn’t do almost everything we wanted to do in the first playthrough yeah Rusty of course yeah yeah yeah we I’d love another recommendations list over the weekend I got to build another wheel what are you octagonal bolt bundle no where did I pick up spells I don’t feel like I was the I was I was the big dumb I thought I left room for spells God I could have lost Fire trail it have been fine I probably could have lost fly downwards maybe I can just fight my way back up [Applause] sea of Thieves with viewers we’re doing SE of Thieves on Tuesday with Alex so we’re definitely getting some sea of Thieves during the um subathon but yeah I can see me Rick I [Music] can I can see me doing uh see a thieves with viewers during our downtime damn if it wasn’t for this and this yeah I can see it definitely being real Handy like uh I can definitely see it being real Handy getting getting a shot around corners has a gross wand unfortunately I see him [Music] [Applause] somehow I managed to hurt myself [Music] there I love playing sea of Thieves I I I also think it it I also think it makes good content I think it’s fun to watch I think it makes good content too I think it’s fun to watch uh it’s just it it was one of those games that without um when I oh no when I say without a reason to play normally our reason to play it is that my coffee sponsor uh the their representative the founder of the company is a SE a thieves partnered streamer and so he loves playing that game with me so that that tends oh no I feel like I’m walking into a lot of damage that I don’t know is there until I round the corner I’m getting shot around corners it feels like so yeah we we we do find ourselves playing CES pretty frequently during our our sponsor time with my coffee sponsor but I I also agree I adore sea of Thieves and I like watching it as a [Applause] game I do know about a couple of puzzle wands so like I know about that one which was funny because the first time that puzzle wand got completed uh um the first time that puzzle one got completed the game did it on accident so that was kind of how I got clued into puzzle ones was the game gave me one on accident where I was like this is a named Wan just sitting in the middle of nowhere and chat was like well not not technically that’s not technically sitting in the middle of nowhere there’s a reason that’s there but it’s not because of anything you did and I was like ow all right [Applause] well Lads good evening Mr Vic oh man there we go I just wanted to see what this [ __ ] was down here fancy boys your nightmare has arrived the [ __ ] oh I’ve taken more damage off of the stupid particulates that I have off of enemies on this floor think I is see you [Music] son [ __ ] is waiting for me around every corner in this space uh-oh or are you hiding from me there lad oh my God I heard you like reduced charge times yeah no he he watched he watched me summon that that puzzle wand I kind of want to hold on to the damage up yeah I was thinking the same thing off and bimr we left all those other spells behind I’m actually a little roughed up right [Applause] now I do once again genuinely wish I could see more of the map yeah to be totally honest I don’t think I found a heart on this floor either it’s just Dawning on me I feel like I’ve been a lot of places on this floor I have not sniffed a heart yet I don’t think I didn’t Panic about a rat you panicked about a rat this wand is good I I be I’ll be real with you I still kind of wish it had a little more ump I’m just checking all the nooks and and crannies I can’t see [ __ ] in the magical Temple it feels bloy in here that’s probably why we’re not going in there if I’m being honest with [Applause] you yeah that Frozen from yesterday that was a real oh man I can’t [Applause] move like an [ __ ] I was frozen in the air was not ideal I don’t think I took damage I think his whole I think his whole thing was an explosive attack he hit me point blank with it and because of our build I got to giggle it off dummy idiot oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] is that I do I do have a tendency subconsciously to say I do have a tendency subconsciously to say the word burp when I burp I’ve been doing that since I was like a teenager why am I in here make me understand Taffy Billy am I in here for gold pretty greedy guy [Music] come and get me fancy lad you think you got the grapes [Music] oh Alysa that’s amazing good for [Music] you we don’t need to do this we don’t need to do this we can just go [Music] the [ __ ] [Music] [Music] scanning blood unlimited [Music] spells unlimited spells you say [Music] [Music] we aren’t using any limited spells really [Music] yet yeah it might be reroll time I want to see what this does real quick though [Music] feels good [Music] man can’t drown angry gr ghost or homunculus probably going to roll that again we listen we could take this off and we could replace it oh no I rerolled it I was going to say we could replace this with unlimited unlimited love crafty and Nightmare fuel [Music] but can’t drown really benefit us at this [Music] point and maybe it doesn’t get unlimited [Music] ammo I’ve done it yo are yeah tele kinetic kick spontaneous generation show me everything show me [Music] everything I still don’t know what the [ __ ] you are I’ve broken you once do we care about any of these wands or spells I got to do something with these other wands [Music] [Music] kind of yeah that’s what I’m thinking what’s my best wand for the drill that this goes away that’s done maybe it’s this one it’s a lot of electricity put light at the end of your main wand spell wrapping utility light oh okay we’ll do [Music] [Music] oh it’s cuz it cost tooo much huh damn any better digging wands for sale that’s actually a really good question do we have something that’s better for the [Music] digging no no the recharge would take forever not really kind of I mean I guess that was just okay it’s a little bit better don’t waste your money that’s how I feel about it all right I’m leaving spots open this [Music] time all right we’re [Music] moving damn that guy got Chuck Norris my man’s facing the wrong way now woo cast delay negative .1 ow [Music] yeah explosive projectile was a good pickup and it’s a pretty decent wand you guys good everything’s sorted [ __ ] that head [Applause] shot I see you over there if you can’t have enemy radar just know where they just be able to see where they are at all time I mean technically his head was one of the things I hit for sure I’m not lying somewhere in there I did shoot his head I’ll move really it’s a part ass Rock [Music] I [Music] wish yeah we’ve done this one before better go find myself some blood [Music] unspoiled [Music] blood question you can answer me honestly chat does it have to be blood or can it just be fluid in general I feel like it just has to be fluid cuz I feel like they put this water right next to it too does it have to be like majority blood fluids so like this counts I’m keeping my mouth shut but why I told you you could I I told you you could answer me honestly this is the story of am am G baby certain fluids yeah amyg is my safe word for please answer me straight up yeah like I appreciate you being hyper here here we go wh amigdala teleport berserk berser teleport and unstable teleport damn I feel like I loaded that up with Monster Blood once before and it worked just fine you look blood does something different yeah we used blood last time all right good to know good to know the [ __ ] is that project transmutation field oh I gotta so that thing that that hourglass does different things depending on what you pour into it bananas all right noted I’ll keep my eyes peeled and try not to rupture keep my eyes peeled and try not to rupture every every single every single potion I see yeah Point your head oh [ __ ] the way I see it [Music] chat I think getting in here and not spilling any of these is going to be really easy oh I’ve done it I was being factious [Music] defilade oh no it’s just whiskey damn it it’s fine I did I got absolutely swapped by a propane tank that sucked that was not fun the whiskey drink remains unspoiled ta oh okay like Zo scoo lot going on all of a sudden oh no bad bad touch no the Anvil is something I don’t know what it does uh I kind of fiddle with it each time I come through but I’m not quite at a place where I’m ready to just like uh have it be spoonfed to me not just yet I’m aware that it does something but I haven’t been able to figure out what all right op and bimr make awesome lunch and I too like the Dixie Chicks basically yeah what it’s spiled down to is I’ve just started asking whether or not I have the tools to accomplish it that’s that’s been about I think as close as I’ve wanted to get to it I know at any given point I could probably just ask somebody and they’ tell me but I’m trying to I’m trying to see if I can figure it out based off of my own intellect and or context clues no I’m okay with the the the hint on the Anvil just yet man that’s a good wand oh I got a spot I got a spot for it what I might do lilac scum is once I’m once I’m convinced I’m done with the floor once I’m convinced I’m done with the floor oh no what is that man up to once I’m convinced I’m done with the floor what I’ll probably do is I’ll go down there and just kind of ask whether or not whether or not I have [Music] the um resources necessary in my inventory what’s been happening is people have been you know I’ll walk up and go do I have the resources necessary to get this done and people go yes or no most no and I feel like that’s been a pretty that’s been a pretty okay way to get it dealt with because I I don’t know once the mystery’s gone the mystery’s gone and I mean even if it’s something that helps me out a lot I kind of dig that there’s mystery you know oh you oh shooting around uh the shooting around the corner wand is actually easier to make than you think it is heavy shot look a lot lot of Mana not a lot of Mana recharge ooh that’s scary I want to say it was El Pablo who the other day popped in and hit me up in The Whispers at the at the same time that our our our other viewer was kind of letting us know that they they were leaving forever and they wanted us to know that they were upset with getting timed out [ __ ] another thing you know but El Pablo jumped up in my Whispers and was like hey man I want you to know you’re doing great I think you handled that just fine and he was like and I want you to know he’s like I want you to rest rest comfortably knowing that you have a sh*tload of content left to do with this game and I was like yeah that makes me very H oh my God that makes me very [Music] happy we did we did have an announced departure yesterday onos was straight up te telling me how he would handle the situation I was in which included mechanics I’d never used before mods gave him like a sigh in an eye roll and then like I said something along the lines of like hey man could you not just like bark directions at me that’s like part of our whole bag right now with not spoilers back seing and he didn’t get it so I timed him out for for basically the day like I just wasn’t in the mood I wasn’t in the mood to to I wasn’t in the mood to have to explain myself several times over um and initially they were like yeah well okay fine I guess I’ll I’ll talk to you tomorrow I was like you know what that that’s probably for the best just this time around probably for the best take a day I’ll take a day we’ll try again tomorrow and then he came back was like no it’s the children who are wrong I unfollowed there were people who were way worse than me and I was like ah yes the Republicans defense which is funny cuz they’re not even banned if they’re here right now they could talk right now all I said was was that I just wasn’t in the mood all I said was that I wasn’t in the mood to have somebody disregard my instructions several times over yo uh torman yeah thanks I appreciate it I was trying not to be scummy about it but it was just so I’ll show you and I was like dog I’m pretty sure your three years of gifted subs or it was kind of like if glitch came in here and said you’re a [ __ ] [ __ ] and I think I’m just going to take myself out of here and go I would [ __ ] blood with the anxiety that came with that because glitch is well into five figures into this channel glitch giving up on my channel would take me out of my current tax bracket so if glitch said that I would I would I would vomit immediately from the anxiety yeah glitch at one point glitch did was definitely like you know what man I’m just going to bounce and I 100% % my [ __ ] puckered up like a balloon knot if Champion said that if JJ Madison said that if I said that my pee hole would pucker up like it just tried lemon for the first time but when you’re someone who I’m pretty sure has a threeyear sub badge but is paid for zero of them and you’re like I don’t like that I got disciplined I’m going to leave it’s hard for me to feel a whole lot cuz it’s like all right well I guess the algorithm is going to have to give that sub to someone else the next time ice pops off for 20 you know like the algorithm will hand that to somebody else so anywh who that was it was just kind of too forgetful did that not too far back they didn’t like that they got disciplined and so because they were timed out in chat they went and through it oh speak speak of the devil what do you know I guess the algorithm figured out someone else to give it to this is the story of the newest Denison of the cave wed smart z cryption uh n volley laen copter Leon Hart misu the witch sa invo new system Arthur germanovich Kell calistus quiet contempt tug Andy axag grind jro finchy zepl dakotta and valken recipients of 20 very generously gifted son subs from Ice lilac scum gifts a sub that goes to Santa CLA they were already processing before you even said ice pops off for 20 I didn’t do that because you told me to listen don’t ever let me know if I hold power all right I will abuse that oh well I abuse that even if you didn’t mean what you just said it was very wise to say it maeran gifts a tier one something goes to Twisted octopus thank you so much I’m never leaving nobody uh here will let me ow and you’re all beautiful souls of [Music] course yeah that’s what I’m saying ghost cubby is like even with regulars I think two forgetful was a tier three sub of their own volition here so like if a tier three sub a person who’s been here for three years and as a tier three sub has a ghastly take it was a ghastly take the take that got to forgetful timed out was uh he didn’t believe like he didn’t believe people with extreme physical handicaps should be able to have kids it’s not what he meant no let me let me get this it wasn’t even that well it was it was B like basically we we we started telling the story of the straw man that was like we were talking about bad parents and he was like oh I saw this one lady at Aldi today who like was letting her kids run wild and I was just like oh you shouldn’t even be allowed to have kids and I was like my my take coming back to that was like I don’t know that lady’s circ*mstances man I was like you know she she she may be she may be it like the thing is is that it started off with him wanting to dunk on this one woman and I was like man I don’t know this [ __ ] lady’s circ*mstances you know she may have just been diagnosed with cancer that day like I don’t know [Music] um oh it’s torment I see it now sorry my ADHD kicked in for a second um but I was like yeah man I don’t know that lady’s circ*mstances like there are plenty of bad parents out there but I’m not I’m not willing to accept it just because like one lady lost control of her kids in a grocery store line means that that she’s one of them and instead of taking that as like oh yeah you’re right I should probably cut her some slack you know every Situation’s different nobody fits into a mass bucket blah blah blah blah blah uh his thing was like oh you know what if you’re not able to physically handle and Corral your kids then you probably shouldn’t have any it’s unfair to them and I remember in my head going like you’re trying to tell me you don’t think stepen Hawkin could handle kids uh no what well I didn’t mean that I just meant that yeah I know what you meant you meant that you meant that like physically domineering women shouldn’t are the only people who should be able to women who were able to pick up their kids are the ones that should be able to have kids that’s kind of what you were getting at was like you you were like hey well let me tell you as a guy what women should and shouldn’t be able to do and I was like they’re kind of over that this year women are kind of over dudes like you and me telling them what they can and can’t do with their body my guy it’s been a bad year for that and I think they’re kind of done with it but according to this massive bucket that you’re trying to shove people into like wounded military veterans uh Steven Hawking amputees because they physically can’t Corral their children shouldn’t be allowed to have them [Music] um anyway I didn’t mean to dredge all that up but like that was the last time I can remember that somebody was like I’m leaving because I got timed out for a little bit and in that situation it was somebody who had been a tier three for years but I was just like you know man if you’re going to take this L that poorly then yeah you should probably go um but it’s the same thing here like I’ve read On’s name a bunch of times but I don’t think it’s ever been because they resubbed it just happened to be in a list of gifties and I was excited that they were having fun with NOA but yeah if they’re going to re react that poorly to just getting timed out for a while if they’re that sensitive then yeah maybe this isn’t the place to be what even happened uh oh as I was saying that I I had a viewer yesterday who said that they were going to leave the channel forever because we timed them out for back seating and I was saying that I I’ve only had I think two of those this year and the other one was a guy who got mad he got timed out because he had some really [ __ ] borderline misogynistic and at the very least kind of aggressively ablest ideas that were just once the once the once the dam had a sprout coming out of it the more we tried to plug the hole the more creases in the Mason work broke open and me and the mods were all like trying to like block the [ __ ] cracks in the wall off as hard as we could and that whole Dam just kind of came down and we were like uh what’s funny is that again we didn’t ban that person most of us were in mod chat going [ __ ] we really liked that guy uh but the moment that he took his first ever timeout in the history of of the channel he went into Discord and announced very loudly at one of the mods that he was leaving forever I don’t have any money near me I was going to take some money and dry my eyes with it but who carries cash anymore so anyway uh Seth yeah man I’m super excited for Hades 2o I I like I I was saying earlier that I saw that um Dan’s gaming mentioned it this morning so I saw that on Twitter and I didn’t know the news yet and I thought Dan I thought Dan’s gaming was [ __ ] with us and I literally was in the process of writing Dan why would you play with my emotions like this it’s not too late to take this down and then I saw that Hades 2 was trending globally and I was like no no yes [Music] yes yeah Serene like honestly like I’ve I try really hard not to be the kind of person who Ed somebody out like I tried to Serene says imagine getting uh getting timed out and the feeling that comes with it is the worst thing that happens to you in your incredibly fragile life I don’t I don’t oh [ __ ] I don’t uh I I I have not been in a lot of situations where I’ve been disciplined uh in people’s chats before but I I’ve been called out a time or two I don’t even like referring to it as like taking the L like I don’t really think of it as as taking a loss but like I have a tendency to go you know what this is not a hill worth dying on and it’s their Channel you’re right I I I relent but yeah some people man the first time it ever happens to them the first time they ever get that uh the first time they ever get that wrist slap man they they [ __ ] it is it is that Mr Skinner it is that Mr Skinner no it is the kids who are wrong meme to the nth degree right if getting light disciplin if getting told like hey you know what what you’re saying right now isn’t aligning with what’s going on in the channel and the people who are in the channel doesn’t cause you to just take a minute to go could I be in the wrong and then even if you don’t feel like you are in the wrong to come back at it uh to come back at it as like a responsible adult who says very like calmly and rationally like you know what I don’t think this was all me cuz I feel like I’m being misinterpreted here’s what I was saying or here’s the point I was trying to make or blah blah blah blah blah but to [ __ ] hike your [ __ ] pants up and kick open the saloon doors in like Discord or Whispers and be like well I have never I believe I will take my business somewhere else March March March March March as the Stream I’ve been called out in my own [ __ ] channel before and even I’ve had to go home like go like go downstairs take a minute look myself dead in the mirror like dead ass look myself in the mirror and be like am I in the wrong here and there have definitely been times where I’m like [ __ ] I was in the wrong [ __ ] I got to go make apologies or I’ve had to have somebody explain to me why I was in the wrong but I got there I was like oh I see what kind of point I was in L making ew yeah that does feel gross I’m going to go talk to some people that is bananas because like I’ve gotten into arguments with almost everybody who’s in this chat at one time or another not mean-spirited ones where I was like excited to make you pissed off but like I don’t know I’ve had issues with people in the past it happens [ __ ] we’re all different people with a whole bunch of different [ __ ] going on differences happen but that sh*t’s never happening just so I can just so I can piss you off or just so I can alienate you so you leave my channel and yeah this this one person in particular man it was it to my knowledge it was the first time they had ever been timed out and their their response was to was to throw like a massive hissy fit and leave think of only been timed out once not this channel for a sarcastic joke come back now I just lur like 98% of the time everywhere cuz I really don’t want to come off as an ass I I rarely speak unless I really feel like I have something to contribute for sure yeah real pearl clutching hours you’re saying I’m a wrong that’s paddling I’ve been timed out multiple times generally by Lisa I see most of those times is yeah I put my I put it in my mouth I’ve been timed out by Lisa before it’s my [ __ ] Channel and Lis has hit me up in Discord and been like you’re in the wrong homeboy and I was like oh I don’t want to be in the [Music] wrong yeah I like honestly Serene me too in this channel in my channel I 100% have been in the same boat I’ve had days where like I I don’t want to go so far as to say like that I walked around and when do I still want to be doing this for a living but I’ve definitely had days where I’ve definitely had days where it felt a little less uh it felt a little less shangrai where I was like damn man like I wrap up the day and just be like I am so exhausted from having like fights or arguments that I just did not want to have with people over [ __ ] that didn’t matter and I do the exact same thing I don’t get to go away for as long you know like I don’t get to pick how long I want to be gone for but I definitely have had days where I’ve wandered off from the channel and like left my office and not come back in because when all is said and done you know I’ve had days where I I just throw my hands up and go you know what it’s not the end of the world you know uh it it was it was nothing truly heinous just go do you know take the proverbial you know take a breath and count to 10 and then I come back in here and and if it’s really something that I feel like needs to be addressed I go talk to the person and if it’s not something that needs to be addressed and I just got over it then I just got over it you know keeping it in the meme world we should take it as Bor Escobar from Bor Escobar from narcos instead of kids who are wrong Skinner from The Simpsons it’s it’s just funny because it’s like it both of those things seemed like no big deal both of those things seemed like no big deal from my [Applause] perspective both of those seem things seemed like Mo no big deal from my perspective and then it was the the person who escalated it who was just like no I have been maligned and I was like oh for real not only have I been malign but I am leaving forever and I’m like [ __ ] you you got to do you I guess I don’t have the energy to antagonize other explain myself at all just straight up disappear if if it’s too big a deal yeah I mean over the course of oh Jesus Christ when did I come back from streaming or from my my break I say break when did I come back from my wife having cancer um like five five years ago six years ago almost six years ago in those six years I have definitely had times where I’m just like I just want to I just want it’s like a Southwest Commercial I just want to get away I’ve definitely had days where I’m like man it was not worth getting out of bed this morning but I genuinely can’t say I genuinely can’t say that I I’ve had many days where I was just like damn I wish I was doing something else for a living or that I that I had to like talk myself into coming back to work 5 years a little over the sub count [Music] gotcha so anywh who any who all of that was just spurred from me from me saying we did we did have we did have someone yesterday who was like taffy time me out for back seating it’s Taffy who’s wrong and I am out of here and I was like yolly Dole my guy surprise mother oh sorry surprise [ __ ] there we go would you look at the time it’s scorched Earth the clock it reminds me of um it reminds me of um I’ve told this story before too when Amber and I were on tour together back in our touring Children’s Theater days there’s this kid H well we’ll say Frank it’s not his real name but this is not a flattering story so I don’t want to use Frank’s real name so there’s this kid named Frank we’ll say and he was real pain in the ass he was a 19-year-old child who suddenly had very adult appetites and was going out and was partying and was like bragging about how he hooked up with random dudes the night before and XYZ and blah blah blah and you know he’s hello because a [ __ ] about silver [Music] um he was showing up like with 5:00 shadow and bags under his eyes talking about how he’d only had 90 minutes of sleep the night before there’s some gold in there oh there is some gold in there look at that so anywh who I was fair fair but firm with this kid where I was just like yo listen you signed up to do a job so I really need you to show up and do the work like whatever you do on your free time man is what you do on your free time but it can’t be affecting all of us here I really need you to like lock it in you got to lock it in and get your [ __ ] together cuz I’m not I’m not your mom and I’m not your babysitter do your job um and I had to tell him that a handful of times I did I don’t think there’s anything in there that was particularly exciting uh spell wise in the shop I’ll go peek before we leave I mostly just kind of want to get back to conflict stuff I don’t think there was anything in there that was exciting but I’ll I’ll look at it before we go so anyway at one point like he called the guy whose job it was to put these Crews together and he got us into a meeting and it wasn’t even like he was like aggressive about it he just got into this meeting was like the way Ryan treats me makes me sad I feel picked [Music] done and they were like okay like Ford the name of the guy who runs the show for us H was like okay well what what do you feel why do you feel maligned like what is it do you think is happening he like oh well he just you know like the more he said it out loud the worse it sounded he’s like he just keeps telling me that I have to do my job and he just keeps telling me that I have to like show up not hung over and shave and remember my lines and like everything he said just made it worse oh I don’t want to be here he’s like I don’t know I just feel picked on I don’t feel like I’m a part of the group and I don’t feel like included into like the the the little Social Circle of all these other of all these other actors and I tell you I tell you all this to say that what Ford said about our cast what Ford said about our cast I think applies to this stream which is Ford said man I don’t know what to tell you if you can’t get along with people in that cast and crew I’m not sure what cast and crew I’m going to put you in that you’re going to get along with [Music] people he was like Ryan and Francis and sedrina and Amber might be the nicest quartet of young adults I’ve ever put out on a on a on a tour together and if you’re struggling to get along with them then I’m not sure what answers you think I’m going to have because they are the nicest cast I have I’m actually getting a little roughed up by These Guys these little dingos ate my babies getting a little little picked on there a lot of gold you’re not wrong I think I’d like to go dig that out I think I’d like to use my laser to dig that out too I think I’d like to kill them with the death of a Thousand [Applause] Cuts explosion immunity has made me real Brash about what I’ll do in this game they are chipping away at me you’re not wrong you’re not wrong I am taking damage but I still have over a 100 health these were inside a chest what’s going on here yeah Amber Amber is the nice person Amber is a nice person until either in school or work you make her start picking up your slack spells to power I don’t know what spells to power does I’m going to pick those up Amber’s really nice until you start making her pick up your slack and then she get she can get real dare I say catty with reason right but like yeah she she’s fine and dandy until like I I’ve been on the receiving end of Amber’s ey i’ oh [ __ ] I’ve been on the receiving end of Amber’s ey before where I changed the call time so we would leave earlier and then overslept and so I was the only one who wasn’t at the earlier call time and she was [ __ ] furious in my defense though I was told I made up for it because I bit the rules of time and space I bit the rules of time and space and drove from Richmond to norfol about as fast as a human being can drive from Richmond to norfol I sped like a demon to offset my mistake she’s been the same way in graduate school every time she gets put into a a a job ooh that might be how we get in there every time she gets put into a group where she has to pick up the slack of some uh collection of uh of uh schoolmates who just aren’t showing up and doing the work she gets real spicy the work also gets done but she gets real spicy yeah best has been the only person working on a group project several times over there oh [ __ ] how do I do this n [Music] vacating I’m being a sneaky devil this is a very roundabout path that I’ve taken ooh Rick very roundabout path that I’ve taken but it’s been been a scary couple of minutes here [Applause] this one [ __ ] up here is being a real nightmare is he jumping down I can’t move I can’t shoot that freezing field in water that’s been a that’s been been a real detriment ooh Rick oh I owe you bud yeah I’d run too [ __ ] God it’s already 118 ah I didn’t need to kill that man I wanted to kill that man there is a difference damn that’s an okay little wand maybe we don’t use that hold on hey has been a whole thing thing has it not no [Applause] no I’m not going to blow anybody’s Minds here but damn he’s been a whole thing what a sh*tload of work this has been I’ll wait they’re about to be done there we go where’s my bubble of idiots I B of idiots further up to the right what the [ __ ] is this thing there it is how did you live how did you survive that you mad man I have to do this very specifically what are you what’s going on here can I use you in a fun way kind of not [Music] really all right hold on [Music] I know what I’m looking for yeah Volcarona I was saying earlier I woke up and I saw that Dan’s gaming was tweeting about Hades too and I thought he was [ __ ] with us and I was actually about to be like come on man don’t play with our emotions like that and then I saw that Hades 2 was trending globally that my attitude changed you’re not even the one I was looking for you’re a completely different one I don’t know who those guys are fighting but I’m glad it’s not me yeah I saw this I saw that reveal that’s what I’m looking for all right I got to come back for this though oh this is the right place still though I mean like there’s time for me to eat to eat my hat here but I can’t help but feel as though we’re doing a pretty good job with this thus [Music] far EC has been work but it hasn’t been unbearable what the [ __ ] am I getting wrong [Music] [Music] [Applause] sh [Music] [Music] [Music] we [Music] good what worm fairmon man I got some gold out of it but I did all that for worm Fair bone Rumble Grumble grumble this will probably be the last level win Los or Draw that we get out of this [Music] run I do got to play a little nights at the Old Republic today [Music] kaboo oh [ __ ] Ambrosia potion you say no you piece of [ __ ] this [ __ ] joke I was going to say many many grumbles piece of [ __ ] I’m not trying to eat the I’m not trying to eat the blood oh that’s not a bad [Applause] idea try to get at least some Mo it in there this is the most I think I’ve ever really been able to explore HEI most mostly just because we can see clearly honestly just playing it real safe just playing it real safe that was [Music] scary I tell you what [Music] w [Music] [Music] I told you I’d shoot but you didn’t believe me ah didn’t you believe me he can see clearly now the fog is gone he can see all obstacles in his way oh no oh my God that thing turned around I’ve never seen those things turn around before that was [ __ ] scary yeah it might be time to think about vacating oh I’ve never seen the I was I always assumed those were like stationary sentry guns I’ve never seen those things move before that seems trapped this all seems trapped let’s take whoops let’s take a little peie Doodle here work work our way around this way I think almost everything else that could possibly hurt us is trapped I’m surprised I I feel like we haven’t found very much if any health upgrades I don’t know [ __ ] all about this turret nope why this turret green [Music] 150 Max Mana with 760 Mana charge speed you say with a capacity of 14 very tiny little spells spread’s terrible though I think I’d rather just keep with this one Michael oh [ __ ] the they’re loose the [ __ ] did you come from feel like it might be time to leave huh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is that homing oh my God [Music] chat I have not figured out what that worm Crystal [Music] does bring your fat ass down here [Music] [Music] so much Blood on the Dance Floor [Music] [Music] converts any nearby projectiles cast by you into extra damage [Music] [Music] yeah it sounds really cool it doesn’t really help me in the moment [Music] chat I need to I need to stretch I need to move around uh we [Music] might we might build a want but I don’t know that we’re going to the next floor we may have to save that till Monday [Music] morning h I can’t help but feel like we’re going to need to pick up a better wand I don’t think that’s it I don’t think that’s it if that had better Mana charge speed that might be it a bunch of [ __ ] on that wand honestly call me sentimental no game audio no this is uh this is from pretzel this isn’t in Noida 123 + 520 no the thing that has turned the Noida sound off is my mixer where I turned the Noida sound off but I figured since we’re not actually playing another level of Noida I would enjoy some t CU yeah the only thing oh no yeah I just I figured I would crank it and kill pretzel pretty quickly if Steve showed up but otherwise I feel like we’re probably just fine you know the statue seen better days I’m terrified I’m going to fire this what if this is our digging wand well now I feel like we have the right wands it’s just now what do we want to do with them I I don’t feel comfortable with lightning bolt obviously e for the double spark trigger is already explosive and the cast Delay from explosive projectile likes to be hidden on a trigger or timer I don’t know I don’t know how to interpret that I’m too dumb to understand that this spell uh makes a non-explosive projectile explosive but has an enormous delay to cast you hide something inside a trigger spell as the death cross is the cast delay is null and void gotcha so I don’t understand is there something I’m supposed to do different with this pre pretend I failed calculus three times swap the first two spells there we go thank you let’s pretend I failed out of calculus three times and that I don’t understand the assignment right now that’s all right I was just like oh man I hope they don’t think I’m not paying attention I’m actually listening as hard as I can I’m still not getting any answers out of it yeah this is our new digging wand [Music] we’re supposed to play nights of the Old Republic right now right like I just somebody [ __ ] tell me that I’m supposed to play nights of the Old Republic right [Music] now I killed the [Music] fish listen we’ll get back to nights of the Republic on Monday we got we got a sathon coming up we can play all the nights we’re supposed to all right get rid of this wand all [Music] right idiots the [ __ ] oh so I got a little poison damn these people are putting up a fight oh [ __ ] I love gold [Music] [Music] [Music] that’s interesting these two are both interesting silver Nightwing what’s going on how it goes not bad not bad all things being all things being considered I feel good [ __ ] this seems to be quite the Run uh yeah we’ve got a lot of things I really enjoy goodbye magic missiles hey Health Marilyn Maverick what’s going on sir [Music] that man’s going to come over here ooh a new kitty can we shoot magic missiles in a farewell we could they’re not going to be nearly as devastating as this wand we’ve built got stuck on this poor [ __ ] right here [Applause] so much blood never get get never going to get tired of sending idiots into orbit white and gray has three legs his name is Hopper he’s a very handsome boy I adore Hopper already yeah we could presumably the problem is we we had to run a lot like this yesterday and unfortunately when we burrowed back up we angered Steve and Steve had little time and less patience for our [ __ ] and it wasn’t until I started button mashing it wasn’t until I started button mashing that we started to actually be able to push Steve out the [ __ ] oh I don’t like that [Music] Oh Billy [Music] [ __ ] [Music] uh missiles you say wow was Sir Grizz sir Grizz uh name drop [Music] [Music] listen do I understand that what I’m doing is potentially going to send us to nights of the Old Republic early [Music] I sure [Music] do get out of here Rock [Music] [Music] I’ve done this before I have a social media clip coming about [Music] that I have cracked that puppy open before only to be instantly devoured by an orange Dragon worm I was not thrilled but have you survived no goodness though I was dead so fast oh I was so dead so quick hello oh my [Music] Lads it’s raining gold [Music] it’s seding [Music] gold I don’t even know where that gold went some people are into it fair fa far be it for me to yuck their yum oh God back up it made babies it’s the circle of life the spider keeps on coming [Music] [Applause] say my guy I’m immune to explosions going to make you eat that that seems like a less enjoyable way to enjoy the bougie food not the not to mention the least of which I you know I got a very narrow sphincter it would have to be a true collaborative effort if you were going to get anything up there you can’t fit a greased BB up my [Music] ass yeah you have to pre you’d have to puree it and blow it up there with a straw it’s not going up there easily listen here you [Music] trick we are coated in so much [Music] slime it strikes me as being a good way to burn the Slime off well it’s nice being able to see everywhere raining gold [Music] oh that’s mine that’s also going to I’m going to have to give that one up [Music] Weird a So Much poison oo run [Music] [Music] so much slime now those were spells up there that we knocked out of that hello those were spells up there we knocked out of that chest it’s time to go see what our Bounty is [Music] all right hard to see where we’ve been hard to see where we’ve been I feel like I’m too far to the left I think what I was looking for is back here maybe hey there we go slime misted neat what the [ __ ] well none of that is particularly useful ow are those poison bombs what the [ __ ] I’m immune to explosions you dick increase lifetime increase the lifetime of a spell yo with piercing that would be absurd [Music] uhoh he went got his dad what a little [Music] n that situation seems to have sorted itself if I’m being honest [Applause] oh that’s mine up dog up dog up dog there we go those wasps are a pain [Applause] I’ll never let it be said that I left money in play oh you little prick playing games how do I feel like I’ve like I I feel like I’ve seen all this but there’s still enemies showing up in this [Music] area the [ __ ] ladies and gentlemen we got him we did in fact find our way back to the death fro we did in fact find our way back to the death cross they do move around like little [ __ ] do little moving [ __ ] [Music] this digging wand is doing its job this little spell refresher just chilling down there [Music] [Music] what’s going on this way he wondered aloud [Music] this guy in his stupid assd gun oh that that looks like mine that looks exactly like the gold that I left [Applause] here I’m so berserk yeah I do lose so much gold I do lose so much gold to uh monsters combating each other off screen there’s the headache to say the least here [Music] [Music] let’s listen here you prick think I’m scared think I’m scared of your explosions overpowering over the competition I’m towered man it got all hippyish in [Music] here oh [ __ ] me let’s not do that [Music] um what if hear me out he did try to pull a fast one on me what a chud where’d he go I got a big spoy gift for [Music] him here is thick as [ __ ] here [Music] [Music] sorry bud [Music] oh my god really you’re going to tell me I’m going to struggle with these freaking uh level level one you tell me I’m I’m struggling with these level one spiders [Music] where this man go feel like I hear him [Music] that was fun we have fun don’t we [Music] not get that gold fast enough [Music] damn listen here there we go clearing up a little bit doing a little housekeeping not letting the stuff get overgrown [Music] [Music] I had the wrong wand up for that but we got there [Music] terrifying all of it just horrifying this whole area very scary tentac a project a projectile casting tentacles in random directions damn that’s a damn fine wand it does give me homing rocks always cast explosion yeah you know what the [ __ ] happened over here oh move damn it [Music] poison shots are a lot I’m going to cast homing rocks with [Music] tentacles hold on I will I will rock hello tall boy it is that time again oh man I barely got from underneath that poison [Music] oh so greedy all right I want a rock now that I have The High Ground well I thought I had The High Ground go get him smash the [ __ ] out of him I don’t feel like you and me are on the same team [Music] [Music] this swamp’s a lot [Music] this is weeb smut the Homing rocks is nice gimy Christmas plasma beam bounce large Firebolt seems Uber safe very safe [Music] and he’s [Music] off that was a mimic I can smell the status on you regular chests don’t get wet all right Cass have fun with the Christmas party oh no oh no there we go just blasting Gold Everywhere Man oh no no no no no no no uh here I had to get rid of the poison men oh so much gold lost though can we still kill farts I wonder [ __ ] that rock just smashed the living hell out of that fart that’s a lot of [Music] dynamite that sounded like a dead fart to me I love you rocks those metal guys are definitely my my my standard for testing whether or not we have a good run going we can deal with those metal guys pretty well and I feel like we did we got a good thing going I think [Applause] [Music] those poison guys are the only things really giving me problems right now [Music] oh no [Music] oh this debris [Music] [Music] scary y’all kind of need that enemy radar I’ve been hearing so much about yes yeah oh no ow the [ __ ] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] all right back up Steve is not going to be thrilled about any of this you’re not wrong Steve’s going to need a big fat dose of rock when I get down there this man is still alive there we go there we go smush smush [Music] [Music] a lot of [ __ ] on this floor if I do say so myself lot of oh my God lot of [ __ ] on this floor if I do say so myself I’m not ready to fight Steve [Music] little butt puckery don’t mind saying oh you prick these wasps have been kind of gnarly not going to lie these bosss have been a lot [Music] [Music] what the [ __ ] ominous liquid you brick there a different way in there [Music] without any healing I’m beginning to think I don’t get to do Lucky layer if I’m being honest we do have 12K which feels like a lot of money don’t worry our radar is going to kick in any minute now honestly if I can get a plasma layer laser on any of my stuff I got a feeling we’re going to have to fight Steve we should probably go deal with that first and I think fighting Steve is a rock occasion so I think we’re going to March out our Rock wand wand that’s [Music] ready oh my [Music] copies a random spell in another one in another wand you’re holding [Music] huh yeah 64- bit robot I feel like you and I might be kind of trotting down the same path now [Music] infinite circle of homing rocks you say [Music] is for yeah I was going to say Duck Soup things things have jockeyed things have jockeyed for [Music] sure for [Music] [Music] please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill me please don’t kill [Music] me [ __ ] it doesn’t look like it cast when it’s out ow you’re a good boy you’re a good boy yes you [Music] are oh it says another wand it sure does huh so [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] I mean yeah I’m realizing if it hits a non Rock oh that’s not what I care about is there anything else I want to gather off these hold on I wouldn’t mind holding on to one death cross listen oh my God what why are they blowing up now chainsaw chainsaw is blowing them up [Music] [Music] rocks are explosive [ __ ] physics based uh gameplay my ass all right here we [Music] go so I don’t need this but I’m going to use it just to free up slots and and this cuz I want it cuz I like it and [Music] Away the vaults that’s weird this is the story of the newest G glitch get the here one sub to torment P thank you everything’s fine I just got to get through these real quick once I get through once I get through these Jesus Christ I have so many of them stuck maybe putting these guys on here was a bad idea oh no I’m stuck I’m stuck that hurt like a lot I’m down here now [Music] the tentacle count is not going down why is the tentacle count not going down Zeta said on another wand didn’t it St these are all Zena tentacles oh I may need to exit this core quickly and re-evaluate oh my God sorry yeah we’ll be able to tell where I’ve been I’m stuck I have made all the eldrich portals my brother in Christ are you serious my brethren in Christ are you serious right now I will rest on my own children they will collect gold from me they’re like that Twilight dancer from Star Wars really your attacks have no power here oh don’t try to hide like I’m going to show mercy on you you’ve gone down you’ve gone down in the fisting hole what’s the safe word what’s the safe word I’ll come back when you’ve had some time to think about things I don’t remember and please God no is not the safe word nah he’s done thinking about it Artistry live thank you for the five bits I regret that I have created this run this is not what I meant this this was not what I had in mind [ __ ] I can’t get up there I have no digging wand anymore holy [ __ ] they killed him how did you even get up here my guy I might be able to get around that way what the [ __ ] this is a nightmareish hellscape from which nobody should ever return ow contact damage hurts I’ve got a perk on that allows me to slow time which is called not the greatest computer in the world and it is struggling with the processing on this so I’m really getting to think this over what’s up dog w new computer coming next week what’s going on over here he seemed to wonder allow I made a zerg go I have aired in kind of a delightful way my God you got to let me out ow the [ __ ] was that an enemy how 2,000 and late we thought bstone was loud what [Music] hey man what does it mean when there’s like bits but a lot got me thank you so much this this wand has dubbed the 10 tickles I agree we meant for this to be a rock wand but then I stuck the tentler tent tenter on it there we go I kind of [ __ ] it up the third [ __ ] of G me thankk you thank you thank you so much for the 5,000 bits that is a ton of money all right listen mistakes I’ve made a few [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m trying this again I wish I could have explored that floor but I think I [ __ ] that up infinite earthquake that sounds terrible what [Music] I’m going to need more from these rocks [Music] man oh no he sucks I hate him this guy’s just pinned these guys are just getting nudged freck that feels more like it when do I get more of that [ __ ] ghost from Spelunky yeah they aren’t doing much at all nice pin ow not pinned enough [Music] ow these rocks ain’t doing [Music] dick rotates having a bad time with homing yeah I’d say something something’s not right I ain’t thrilled about it [Music] now it’s my turn to get tentacled [Music] [Music] something was hitting the [ __ ] out of me I’m stuck I genuinely am just trying to find my way to the bottom that guy’s pinned all the [ __ ] [Music] oh no [Music] oh the rocks are hitting me no I’m poison that’s what it is or something I don’t know maybe I was getting what the [ __ ] oh I’m getting cursed Rock I wasn’t even touching anything I had nowhere to go there was nowhere [Applause] [Music] down all right well I can now confidently say for those of you who have gigantic homing Rock boners that it is not my favorite [Music] thing a lot dead lot of dead enemies oh okay carbonated rock equals deadly Rock I got it carbonated rock equals deadly Rock got it that was an awesome run that was a lot of fun I think we may have had too much going on with the Rocks I think homing rocks is probably awesome I think we need to not confuse the living [ __ ] out of the rocks on where they’re supposed to go and what they’re supposed to do and yeah I did take away from this the carbonated rocks equals deadly rocks

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Noita - EP 53 - Gigantic Homing Rock Boners - Dining and Cooking (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.